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Corvus strode to the roof side door which led to a stairwell inside. Charm would stay on the roof and keep watch for any alarms. She was more than capable of breaking past walls and getting to him, should he need it.

The door opened before he could reach the handle. Perry stood on the other side, looking relieved to see him. The bald man glanced over his shoulder to check if he was being observed, then stepped onto the roof, closing the door behind him.

"May I have a moment, my prince?"

"Has something happened?" Corvus asked.

His top lip twitched. "Other than the princess's attempts to make strategic decisions?"

Corvus winced. While he had been at the wall, Starella had access to the city's elite. Of course, she would try to establish her power. However, military men would not jump to obey a fifteen-year-old girl.

"Has it worked?"

Perry made a so-so gesture. "The Governor and his newly appointed personal general have done a good job of leading her to the conclusions they want. Those… don’t benefit anyone but themselves.”

Corvus nodded, having suspected as much after seeing the evacuation efforts. "Thank you for the warning." He made to step past Perry, but the man held up a hand.

"That's not what I came to speak to you about." His eyes went briefly unfocused and then a message popped up in front of Corvus's eyes.

Perry has invited you into a private party.

Corvus accepted. There were few downsides to being part of a party. Perry could not access sensitive information, like his stat sheet, unless Corvus let him see it.

"I told you I received a quest to bring you to the library," Perry said, "And that it updated."

A copy of Perry's personal quest log appeared in front of Corvus's eyes.

Quest Update!
Unusual Allies (Continued)
You have discovered the newest Pathwalkers is none other than the controversial Prince Corvus. He has just started walking his Path and needs your guidance. Accompany him to the lower levels of the city, where there may be an answer to the question every Path Walker has asked.
Reward: 20 gold coins, 3000 XP, Continuation of a personally assigned quest. New ally: Prince Corvus.
Failure: Major setback of your personal goals.
Note: As this is part of a self-assigned quest chain, there is no option to decline.

"Controversial prince?" Corvus grumbled.

Perry's answer was an apologetic smile. "This palace holds many differing opinions about you."

"Yes, I'm sure the nobility have twisted themselves in knots trying to decide what to believe,” Corvus said as he reread the quest. It was very strange to see his own name listed as a reward. He put that unease aside to focus on the most important details. “These lower levels of the city sound important. What's down there?"

"There are none, as far as I am aware," Perry said. "Basement levels are not common in this city -- I'm told the water table is quite high, despite being a desert. Something to do with the sea."

"The answer to the question every Path Walker has asked," Corvus repeated. “What is… Oh.” The moment he began to think about it, he knew what it had to be.

Perry nodded. "Why do we have access to the Paths? Why have some of us healed from the blight while others have not had it at all? What sets us apart from the others? You may have noticed this is a self-directed quest. It's long been my life's work to find other Path Walkers and discover what makes us who we are."

"I never had the Blight," Corvus said.

"Neither did I. Those who had, and survived, rarely came out unmarked. Larissa, for example," Perry inclined his head. "I had the opportunity to speak to your friend Gwen while you were gone. Her story is rare, though not unique. Bring brought from the edge of death through the use of magic can occasionally open the door to the Paths. But again, not always."

Corvus sighed. "Whatever secrets are hidden in the lower levels will have to wait until the ratkin are dealt with. Though… Seeing this gives me hope we won't lose the city."

"Don't count on it." Perry's smile took on a razor edge. "We touched on it earlier, but I believe the Path system does not see the future. Only certain outcomes."

Corvus nodded then straightened his shoulders. Right. He still had a cousin to meet with, and a mega-swarm of ratkin to push back… and a maddened vengeful dragon to defeat.  "Then let's get started. Please escort me to the Princess."

Starella was in her own rooms, though a larger table had been brought in for more people to sit around it. The map had been stretched out across its length. Starella, Governor Karol, and his other captain were standing in discussion. After a moment's glance, Corvus saw the captain now wore rank knots of a General. That was... quite the major step for him. Hopefully, the promotion had been earned.

Starella turned at his arrival. There were no signs of her earlier distress on her face. Instead, she again looked poised and in control.

"Cousin," she greeted, forgoing his title. "What news do you have for me from the wall?"

Inwardly, Corvus seethed at her officiousness. He could practically feel his leadership skill scraping up against the force of her personality.

Gwen stood further back in the room, in the shadows made by the deep bay window. She caught his gaze and gave a quick shake of her head.

As much as he would like to indulge in his temper, that would be a bad idea. The good of the city came first.

However, Corvus did not bow to Starella before he spoke. It was petty, but he was not going to acknowledge her rank if she would not acknowledge his.

He spoke briefly, outlining how he found the state of the wall and the tunnel underneath it. With a glance at the governor, he also outlined his plan to evacuate part of the city to the harbor, and for the fishing vessels to return after to aid the city.

Hearing this, the governor shook his head. "You have a good heart, my Prince. But It would have been better to keep them in port to aid in the last-minute evacuations escape, if necessary."

"I agree with the Governor. Corvus," Starella said in a scolding tone. "some of the ships should have been kept back, in case things go badly and more have to escape—"

"And by more, you mean yourselves and the rest of the nobles," Corvus said.

"Of course I do!"

He shook his head. "Starella, if the city is besieged that badly, no one will be able to get to the harbor. Furthermore," he said, raising his voice as she opened up her mouth, "We will need every noble with an inkling of talent to help with the fight."

"Oh, what do you know of talent !" she snapped, face flushed.

The General cut across their bickering. “I doubt we’ll see the return of those ships. It's much more likely that the fishermen will sail to other ports, instead."

"Some may run all the way to the demon harbors," Governor Karol murmured, looking equally unhappy.

Starella looked shocked. "You believe your own fishermen would run to the demon kingdom?"

Karol and the captain exchanged looks. "There has been some clandestine trade between the ports. None of it authorized," the governor said, too quickly.

Corvus snorted. He did not believe the man for a second, but this was not a problem to solve now.

“It’s too late to recall the ships, even if you have the manpower. Which you don’t.” He looked to Starella. "What were you able to discover with your earth talent?"

She looked for a moment as if she were not going to acknowledge the question. Royals did not answer questions. They gave information, where and when they pleased.

However, after a moment she gestured to the map. "Two of the tunnels have stopped halfway through the city. They are here, and here." She gestured to two spots on the map, both marked out in red. "The third is delayed, I assume by you and your… dragon."

Corvus frowned as he looked over the map. The two furthest tunnels had stopped just outside the middle district containing the Noble Towers. The heart of the city. "Why did they stop?"

He had not asked the question directly to anyone, but Starella answered anyway, "There is a dead zone directly underneath these towers. Something that my earth sense cannot penetrate, though I could feel the earth all around them."

Corvus was very careful not to glance at Perry, who stood by the door. Unless he missed his guess, these were likely the lower levels that the quest wanted him to see.

Corvus looked down at the map. He spotted something… odd. "What are these buildings on the edge of the district?"

The governor bent over to look, then frowned and gestured for Perry to the table.

"They are the blight orphanages," Perry said after a moment.

Corvus felt cold. "You have that many Blight victims?"

"No, my Prince," Perry said with an emphasis on his rank. "Blight is an increasingly rare phenomenon. As of now, only one of these orphanages is in full use but as you can imagine, it is not a place where people like to conduct business. The commoners believe that the other orphanages are haunted, so they stand empty."

That was both disturbing, and a relief.

"What does it matter?" Starella asked, still in a temper.

"We need to set up a new barrier as quickly as possible. I've overflown the evacuation, and most will be hard-pressed to get into the towers before tonight."

"Why tonight?" Starella asked.

"Because the ratkin see at night. I believe that's when they'll attack."

Starella went suddenly white, and Corvus watched in real-time as the bravado that she had built up over the last few hours crumbled and fell. She turned away from them to the window, only pausing to pick up her egg and cradle it in the crook of her arm, like she used to do as a child.

Corvus frowned. Did she not believe the attack was coming so soon?

Governor Karol stepped forward. "My Prince, even if we can finish evacuating the commoners into the towers… We will be hard-pressed to feed them."

"I know," Corvus said. “We can’t afford to drag this siege out. We're all in this together.”

"Thanks to you," Starella said from the window. He realized that she was looking out to the harbor. It now stood empty of ships.

"Yes," Corvus said. "Thanks to me."

He kept his voice calm, but he wondered if he was making a mistake. Perhaps, it would be better to fly Starella out to one of the departing ships. Perhaps there was a captain that the governor trusted or could be bribed to take her to safety. If the city should fall, and both of them killed… His father could sire no more children, and his aunt was coming to an age where birthing another would be dangerous. The royal line must go on.

And it would be nice to get Starella out of his hair.

Corvus was tempted but dismissed it in the next moment.

If nothing else, Starella had her own Talents. She would be useful in the fight to come.

The governor looked anxiously at him. "Will we have you and the aid of your dragon?"

"Of course," Corvus said, and did not like the look of relief that flashed over the governor's face. Did he think that he intended to fly off and save himself?

Gwen stepped forward. “What do you need from the Horse Folk, Prince Corvus?” Her smile was polite but her eyes danced with mischief. Karol and his General gave her odd looks, as if they hadn’t registered her presence before now.

“Help with evacuations," Corvus said. “The Horse Folk will be more mobile than any commoner. Anyone within the city who doesn’t make it to a shelter will be fodder for the ratkin. It’s imperative this be completed before nightfall. Let me know if things are not going well." He gave her a significant look.

She smirked back at him, knowing that he met through their party system. With a sloppy salute, she turned and walked out.

“Prince Corvus, I don’t know how realistic this will be—” Karol began.

“It is my wish that this is done, Governor.” Corvus turned to him, exasperated.  “It’s not up to discussion.”

The man hesitated then finally bowed his head. “Then, while we have we make the preparations, you should both visit the Grand Armory," the governor said. “Both of you. We want our royals to be safe."

“Armory?" Starella said, with a frown.

"We will," Corvus said, I need to speak to my cousin, first."

The dismissal was clear. Out of the three men, only Perry looked amused about being sent out. The governor and his general did not object, however. In short order, he and Starella were the only ones left in the room.

Starella had completely turned away from him, still looking out the window, a frown on her face.

Corvus waited and when it was clear she was not going to open the conversation, he did. "What's wrong with your Talents, Starella?"

She turned to him. "What do you mean?"

“You said something about it earlier — Don't lie to me."

Her cheeks flushed red. “Who put you in charge?" she demanded, instead of answering.

"Circumstance," he said, "and bad timing. Starella, like it or not, we’re both in the same boat."

“I don't have to be! You could fly me out to one of the ships right now –"

"And have them take you to the demon kingdom?" he demanded as if he had not been tempted to do that very thing a few minutes before. “Yes, they have long wanted one of our royals for their own, haven’t they?”

She blanched.

“Starella,” he pressed,  “the safest place is here, but I need to know what's going on. I know how strong your elemental Talents are, but I've barely seen you use them."

She stared at him for a moment. Her lower lip wobbled, and he was afraid she was going to burst into tears again. But then she visibly straightened and said, "It won't work. Your plan to make the nobles fight? It's pointless. They can't. I can't!"

Can’t is not the same as won't," he said. “The swarm is coming —"

"I mean we can't!" The wind picked up her voice and threw it around the room, making echoes. She winced as if this had been unintended. "The further we stray away from the capital palace, the weaker our powers become. My mother and the king warned me of this, and I can feel it. The only time I felt like myself since I left was while holding this egg."

Corvus stared, absorbing the implications. He had suspected something like this, but to hear it said aloud…

"Don't give me that stupid look!" she snapped. "Why don't you think a king never went to the border to deal with the demons? Because it takes weeks to go there without a dragon! And now we finally have a royal with a dragon, and he can’t do elemental magic!" She threw her hands up in exasperation.

He ignored the barb. It was a long scarred over pain. "Every noble family has summer homes in the capital," Corvus realized and sat down on the edge of the bed.

He had not realized how much he had been counting on the nobles stepping up until this moment.

"So now you see!” She said.  “We have to leave on those ships while we still can."

“You have some talent left, though," Corvus said. "Wind was always your best…"

He stopped, an idea prickling at the corner of his mind. He stood.

“I need to see Perry, at once! And you're coming with me. We need you to armor up."


He grinned at her. "Because if I’m right, you are going to be the key to saving the city. We need you to be as safe as possible."



He gonna activate her path? That would be yuck


Yeah, I've reached my limit with her. Its really good writing on the authors part, I understand her motivations, I just dont like her immaturity/entitlement. She highlights perfectly what I like about Corvus. She's even redeemable if the author wants to go in that direction because of her earlier actions.


Oh nonono. haha. This comment makes me happy because I was worried Corvus's "big idea" plan was super obvious but as a minor spoiler it's not giving Starella a Path.


Hey, that is excellent to hear! Yeah, I'm not sure I wouldn't be able to slap some sense into her if I were in Corvus's shoes...


Starella will use her wind in tandem with Corvus's poison gas knife is my guess. Teamwork makes the dreamwork as they say.

River Asmussen

Wouldn't the newest Pathwalker be that kid Gwen saved?


No, he won’t get the paths till a certain age. I think 10?