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Currently Updated Fiction:

Path of The Dragon Mage (Both Books) - Table of Contents 

Reborn a Dragon Tamer - Table of Contents 

Full Novel Download:

Astrid vs The Asteriod 


Derick Coiler

So the other (at least two stories under the wicked sky and modern day dragon rider) are they just dropped or hiatus or whatnot? In any case thanks for the update!


Just on Hiatus. I angsted back and forth about adding the links but figured it would piss more people off if I added the links and there wasn't an update for awhile. I'll get to them! :)


FYI your link to the patreon on royal road works, however I had to join via web browser. I was not able to search your user name on the android app for some reason. Am I missing something? Is it due to the 18+ rating? The extra step almost made me give up subscribing for a month.... I was only able to find it in the app after I subscribed via the web browser and only in my active subscribtions...


That is odd. My guess the search is limited because of the 18+ rating... but I'm not sure why it's there, either. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the heads up and welcome aboard!