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Corvus did not think that he would — or should — be able to fall asleep. Not after everything that had happened over the last few days. And certainly not with the threat of the mega-swarm heading straight towards Meadows City, guided by an insane Dragon bent on revenge.

But he knew that Charm would be insistent until he at least rested. CloudStrike was visibly flagging, too. She was pregnant, recently injured, and needed to stop for a while.

The next thing he knew, he blinked awake with the sun full in his face. He had slept the rest of the night and most of the morning.

Guilt stabbed through him, only relieved when he turned to find Charm still snoozing too, curled up around him with her breath coming in the even gusts.

Carefully, Corvus extradited himself from her. She didn't move a muscle.

He looked around to see Roan stretched out on the ground, using a tarp as a sleeping bag. CloudStrike stood as a sentinel over them all, awake but drowsy.

Corvus walked over to greet her softly and started a quick examination. As the clan healer, he was expected to help out with veterinary matters. However, most of the Horse Folk were more than capable of taking care of their bonded companions.

Roan had bandaged CloudStrike’s legs well. Most of the bites and scratches were healing up nicely. However, one on her right foreleg was redder than he liked with the skin around it growing puffy.

Corvus took out one of his Purge Infection runes and activated it over the bite. He followed that up with the last of his Knit Flesh (Minor) which sealed the remaining bites and left whole skin behind.

"The hair will grow back within a few weeks," he promised her, running his hand over the bare spot that just healed. "These don’t look scared."

CloudStrike nuzzled him, her eyes bright. Dimly, he got a sense of gratitude from the horse, and rubbed her between the ears in reply.

Roan woke up soon afterward, and so did Charm. After a few minutes of discussion, they decided the best bet was for Roan and CloudStrike to set off towards the clan as fast as CloudStrike could comfortably go, with Charm and Corvus's scouting out ahead from the air.

Corvus was tempted to suggest he and Charm fly on ahead. However, neither wanted to leave their friend behind in the wilderness with swarms of ratkin around. Gwen had ridden to Meadows City. If she pushed herself, she might be there now. Not to mention that once Charm got within sight of civilization, she would have to make the rest of the journey on land. That would cut into their speed. Overland, she was not as fast as a horse.

None of them wanted to dither. CloudStrike was a Mountain Heavy breed: she had more strength, speed, and stamina than a normal horse. They wouldn't be that delayed.

He and Charm took to the air, and once Charm leveled out, Corvus asked her the question that had been on his mind since last night. "Why don't you want to take the essences?"

Charm was silent for nearly a full minute. Through their bond, he felt a rainbow of emotions, most tinged with anger, though none was directed at him specifically.

I don't want to be anything like Daffodil, she said at last.

Corvus understood. As a young prince, he had dreamed of accessing his elemental Talents, but in the heart of his heart, he had hoped that when he did, it wouldn't be fire. That was his father's Talent, and even as a young boy, Corvus knew his father would never approve of his progress.

But he didn't like the idea of Charm excluding herself from useful spells out of spite. "Do you remember when you consumed the Sun and Moon essences?"

The Silver Moon and Golden Sun, she corrected. And yes, of course.

"Well, you received three spells to choose from. I assume that these essences will be the same. Charm, you don't have to pick what he did."

Her snort of derision rumbled through her body. Daffodil has been grinding ratkin for decades, perhaps longer. He has his essences up to Master level. We received fifteen essences. I don't want to be a pale imitation of him.

"Those aren't the only essences," he said. "I received five Jack Of All Trades essences as a quest reward."

Charm perked up, though she didn’t say anything.

"How about this," Corvus said, "Try one of the ratkin essences just to access the spells. If you're unhappy, you don't have to choose one. I can take the rest of the essences and trade them in the marketplace."

They’re too ugly to get a fair trade, she said, then heaved a sigh. Fine.

Corvus dug into his bag of holding and removed one of the bonding essences. Charm was right: The yellow-brown orb wouldn't win any beauty contests.

Charm turned her head, jaws open, and Corvus lobbed the essence in. The moment she shut her jaws and swallowed, they both received a notification.


Charm has consumed one Bonding Essence.
Please choose from the following (dragon) Bonding Essence spells:

Animal Bond - Develop a mental sway over living creatures. 2% chance of swaying a creature with less intelligence than your own, 1% chance of a creature with more intelligence. Bonus: Choose one creature in which to share a physical attribute. Bonus is one-time use only until intermediate.
Plant Bond – Develop affinity for plant life. Plants are your friend AND food. Bonus, affinity has a 2% bonus for bonded plants that are consumed. The bonus lasts seventy-two hours and is stacking.
Mineral Bond – Physically bond to minerals to enhance your own body. The effect is increased with piercing or body part swap. Bonus: Manipulate minerals with more ease. 2% more ease per level until intermediate level.

Let me think about these, Charm said. You received another essence?

Corvus nodded and pulled one of the Jack of All Trades essences out of the bag. About a year ago, he had found a setting in his profile that automatically placed quest rewards into his storage items. The new essences sat stacked in his second bag.

When he pulled it out, it was a blank white color, beautiful in its own way, as if he held a mother-of-pearl. It looked like it was very much suited for Charm.

She rumbled and turned her head again to receive the orb.


Jack of All Trades Essence ability has been added. Choose from one of the following (dragon) Jack Of All Trades Essence spells:

First Time’s a Charm: When completing a task for the first time, this spell will automatically use the closest alike skill level to assist in completion. 5% chance of critical success which will generate a skill bonus.
Work smarter, Not Harder: Ability to merge existing essence spells to create new generalized spells. Unlimited use, however any spell merge cannot be undone.
A Cut Above Average: Ability to average out two or more skills. When done with a general skill, has a 5% chance of creating a brand new, combined general skill slot. This spell is one-time use until intermediate level.

Corvus knew which one that Charm wanted. He didn’t disagree, but…

"Why don't you think about it for a few minutes," he advised. "What you have in mind isn't a bad idea, I just want you to consider your options."

You are too cautious, she said, though she did not disagree. While I think about my options, don't you have attribute points to spend? And skill points?

He did. He had four skill points in total: two from his previous levels and his new ones. And of course, the five attribute points from hitting level fifteen.

Assigning the attribute points was easy. He had long ago decided that his physical attributes needed a boost. So, he assigned two to his base strength, and two to base dexterity. The final one went to base speed. Couldn't hurt.

Then, he mentally ran over his skill list. Chances were if the mega-swarm could not be stopped he might see combat soon. It might be wise to put these points in that direction, but for now there were too many unknowns. He decided to hold off for now.

Charm broke into his thoughts. I’ve decided. I want the Work Smarter, Not Harder.

He smiled and picked the spell for her. You’re going to combine your Moon and Solar breaths?

The moon will rise late tonight and will still be in the sky while the sun rises, she confirmed. That is the time to combine them.

“And the bonding essences?”

She huffed a petulant sigh. Yes, fine. Feed me the rest of the stupid ratkin essences, too.

He didn't bother asking if she was sure. Once Charm made a declaration, she stuck to it.

As he did, she told him to select the mineral option.


You can now physically bond to minerals and manipulate them with more ease. 2% more ease per level until intermediate.

"What do you have in mind?" Corvus asked.

What kind of rocks shimmer?

“Shimmer?” His knowledge of geology was limited. "Pyrite? I don't know if that’s a mineral, but I'll find out. Why?

I want a color that will go with my scales, of course, she said.

* * *

When she swallowed her tenth bonding essence, grimacing at the taste, they received another option.


Charm has consumed 10/10 Ratkin Bonding essences. Mineral Bond has been moved from beginner to intermediate.
Manipulate minerals with more ease. 3% more ease per intermediate level until advanced. Spell now extends to basic metals and alloys.
You have gained a one-time access to a beginner-level new spell. If chosen, future Bonding Essences can be added to one available Bonding essence spell. 

Available Spells 2/2
Animal Bond
Plant Bond

He expected her to double down on the Mineral Bond spell, especially since her vain streak was a mile wide. He could easily imagine her draping herself with glittering jewelry.

But instead, Charm told him to choose the Animal Bonding spell.

You now have some sway over living creatures. 2% chance of swaying a creature with less intelligence than your own, 1% chance of a creature with more intelligence. Bonus: Choose one creature in which to share a physical attribute. Bonus is one-time use only until intermediate.

Had Daffodil received this option? If he did, why didn't he bother to try to sway Charm or himself to his cause?

Charm hesitated. Can I?

It took him a second to understand what she asked. The bonus. She wanted a human attribute? He didn't know what or why, but he trusted her. "Of course."

He felt a flash through their bond, and even though he was sitting astride her neck, he felt for a moment as if she were also standing right next to him, as close as a whisper. Charm staggered in the air, nearly throwing him forward. In the next moment, she swooped into a steep dive, and when she landed, she was coughing in deep, rattling gusts.

He slid off and came around to her head, alarmed. "Charm! Charm, what’s wrong?"

She shook her head, still huffing. There was nothing physically different about her that he could see, but something was different. She shook her bit head back-and-forth, coughed one more time, and then said, "I'm fine, Corvus. It surprised me."

They both stopped and looked at each other. "Did you just speak aloud?"

"I did!" she dropped her jaw in a draconic grin. Her lips were too stiff to move like a human's. The sounds came not from her mouth, but her throat, and echoed of the sweet bell-like resonance he heard in his head.

A moment later, he did hear her voice in his head again. Apparently, this was something she could now switch on and off. Good. I hate thinking in other people's minds when I wish for them to hear me. This is much easier.

Chuckling, he shook his head. "You always surprise me. Is not the choices I would've picked, but I'm glad you're happy."

She looked at him. You should've expected it.


“Charm," she said aloud, and he could hear the laughter in her voice. "I received the power of magic, and a dose of charisma, and now…"

He groaned. "Don't say it."

"That's right," she said with a wicked, toothy dragon smile. "Now, I can Charm animals, too."

A/N: Just a heads up that replies might be limited for the next couple of days. I will get to them, though!


The 49th Khan

especially since her 'vein' streak was a mile wide. Should be 'vain'


Corvus needs to make sure that he does not allow Charm into his treasury when he becomes king. She is going to bond with every single piece of metal and refuse to let him spend it because the gold is shiny.

Silver Beard

Problem with minerals is weight- I'd think using them to make her stronger will be offset by how much more effort it will be to fly!


For the editing pot minus "the" COMING IN IN "her breath coming in the even gusts." SCARRED? "These don’t look scared."