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Hey guys!

Quick announcement since I know some people follow on Royal Road as well as on Patreon. Reborn as a Dragon Tamer has been approved as of ten minutes ago! I'll be slapping it up on Scribblehub soonish as well. 

$1 Tier has access to the first three chapters here. $5 has access to all advance chapters, as usual. 

Here's the post for the table of contents. https://www.patreon.com/posts/53495981 

And here's the Royal Road link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/45455/reborn-as-a-dragon-tamer




Great to hear. Does that mean we can expect some new chapters in the nearish future? I greatly enjoyed that story so far and can't wait to see what happens next. I should also create a RR account and write a review over there

Scott Frederiksen

Gave it an early review because it's awesome.


I should have mentioned that. YES! A new one will be up tomorrow. No need to go to the trouble of creating an account -- I appreciate your support in any way it comes! :)


Awesome. I saw it. Very kind and thanks. We'll be getting a new chapter here tomorrow.


I do wish the current series would finish before the start of new series. Dont want another royalroad hiatus...:(


I am the sort of person who is happiest doing multiple projects at the same time. But if it helps, Path of The Dragon Mage is signed up for at *least* three audiobooks through Podium and I've got it well plotted beyond that. I am literally legally obligated to continue. haha. Not to mention the epic guilt I would feel by stiffing you, my lovely Patreon subscribers. I'm in it for the long haul, trust me.