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All was quiet in the grand palace library, which made it very easy to hear approaching footsteps. Sitting alone, Starella bent her nose over a large heavy book. She knew the step of soft-soled slipper on stone very well.

Maybe she will go off and read by herself, she thought without much hope. Maybe she won't be uncouth enough to interrupt—

"What are you doing?"

It took all of Starella's considerable self-control not to sigh. "Required rereading."

Gemma plopped herself down on the seat across from her. "What more reading could possibly be required from you? It seems all you ever do is study."

"I have to keep appraised on current trade agreements," Starella replied.

The other girl scoffed. "Why? Don't you have ministers for that?"

Seeing that she would not get any peace, Starella lifted her eyes from the heavy book.

Gemma was eighteen, four years older than Starella. But she was a slight girl with pretty, wide eyes that made her look younger.

Very different from the sultry, dangerous, and mature beauty of Starella's ex-aunt, Vesper.

Part of Starella wanted to know what Cipherus saw in a girl like Gemma... but she preferred not to think of it very much.

Starella didn't ask if Gemma had anything better to do with her time than bother her... because Gemma didn't. Her role as Cipherus's wife was to bear him an eligible heir. So far, she had failed. The rest of Gemma's day was empty. So she often came to bother Starella.

"I'm studying," Starella said through slightly grit teeth, "Because one day I will rule this country. That means I need to know where the kingdom's money is being spent."

"Yes, yes, you'll be queen someday." Gemma waved an errant hand as if she was not supposed to be carrying Ella's competition in her belly. "Which means you'll have people to delegate all the boring stuff. Plus, trade agreements change all the time. Who cares if you don't know what's happening now?"

Because if I don't know by heart — if I'm not perfect or showing enough diligence my tutors will report to the king. Maybe he'll find a way to set me aside, too.

Starella did not say that, either. One did not voice their fears in the palace. It was a sign of weakness.

Ever since that day, more than two years ago when her older cousin had been stripped of his royal blood right, Starella realized all she had could be taken from her as well. One declaration from the king and she would be left with nothing.

Corvus had disappeared under suspicious circumstances that same night. Now, no one spoke his name. They acted as if he had never existed.

The original issue had not even been his fault, but his mother's.

Except... Corvus had never developed his magical Talents. If he had been more diligent, tried harder, made himself indispensable as a prince... The king might have protected him.

Instead, Corvus was stripped of his title and quickly disappeared. And Starella had been left without the boy she had come to think of as a big brother, and with the knowledge that a similar fate could happen to her... unless she was perfect.

So, she would be.

All those old fears and anxieties flashed in and out of Starella's mind in a moment.

What she said was, "I take my studies very seriously."

"Well, you shouldn't. You're barely a kid—you act like a miniature adult." Gemma sighed and sat back, her arms crossed over her chest.

Starella's lips tightened. "Did you need something, Aunt Gemma?" It was the closest she would come to asking what the other girl wanted.

Though she knew what Gemma wanted. She was lonely. She'd come from a large family of nobles and used to bitterly complain about having no friends until Cipherus put a stop to it.

Having grown up in the palace, Starella was used to being alone. The only other time she interacted with children her age was during official functions. Of course, there was hardly the opportunity to speak to them. She supposed she had been somewhat lonely after Corvus vanished, but it hadn't been like they'd been allowed to be children, either.

Gemma cast what she thought was a sly look to the right and left. A light tremor passed through the floor as Gemma used her Earth Talent to see if anyone lurked nearby. Satisfied, Gemma leaned forward. "I found a way out of here."

"The library?"

"No, silly. Out of the palace! I sneaked out last night — Oh, I didn't do anything disgraceful. I know what Cipherus's last wife did, and I'm not stupid." She snorted.

Starella could only stare, hardly believing what she just heard. Why was Gemma telling her this? Was it a test of loyalty? Something set up by Cipherus? Her scheming uncle might try that sort of plot, but it seemed far-fetched. As far as Starella was aware, he didn't speak to his wife or hold her in high regard. Why trust her with a plot?

That also didn't account for the light glinting in Gemma's eyes. It was pure mischief, and something else Starella had little experience with. Joy?

Suddenly, Gemma reached to touch Starella on the wrist. "You've never been out of the palace, have you?"

"Of course not!" Starella sent a quick zephyr of air to search between the book stacks and ensure there were no librarians overhearing. "Everything I want is here. Why would I go anywhere else?"

The palace complex was fast. She'd lived within its walls all her life and was certain she had never walked past every corridor. Why would she ever want to go to the capital city beyond? Among nobles as badly behaved as Gemma? Or worse, peasants?

"Because there are people out there. Real people, not just nobles and courtiers. I haven't been out since I married, and I'm going crazy being stuffed up here in all the quiet, with everyone terrified of annoying the king." Gemma blew out a breath of air.

Starella could hardly believe what she was hearing. "Gemma! It's... you shouldn't be... it's not proper..."

Eyes twinkling, Gemma leaned forward. "Do you know what I did first thing I did after I was free?"

Starella stared, knowing she shouldn't listen but unable to tell her to stop. "What?"

"I ate fried meat from the vendor's booth." She grinned. "Have you ever eaten something not specialty prepared and tested for poison? Or not using a plate or bowl? Ever seen a show? No, of course you haven't."

"The king has entertainment..." she said weakly.

"Minstrels at his formal dinners do not count as entertainment." Again, Gemma leaned forward. "I'm sneaking out again, soon. Tomorrow night if I can. When I do, I want you to come with me."

"No!" she said, horrified.

"Please?" she wheedled. "You're the only friend I have here."

Since when are we friends? Starella thought. Princesses did not need friends. Royalty of old had bonded dragon companions. That wasn't an option, so she had her duty to the kingdom and crown to keep her company.

"How do you know I won't report you for your... your salacious activities?" Starella demanded.

Gemma snorted. "Because you're not like the rest of them."

What was that supposed to mean? "You have no idea what you're talking about," Starella snapped. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to return to my studies."

"Let me just show you, 'Ella. You should see the real world just once—"

Gemma stopped.

Starella had a moment to think that she'd finally dropped this stupid ploy when her zephyrs returned to her with the knowledge that there were men headed her way. Gemma had heard the same from her Earth tremors.

Both girls turned to look down the hall. Three of the king's vanguard strode with purpose toward them.

Starella felt her face drain of blood. Gemma had gone pale, too. Her wide, child-like eyes staring.

Swiftly, Starella turned back to the girl.

"Admit nothing," she said in a hiss. "Even if they tell you they have evidence of you leaving."

Gemma looked at her, stark fear in her gaze. "Do you think—"

"No matter what happens," Starella interrupted, "Remember that you are royal by marriage. You also have the backing of your Noble house."

Her words were meant to be fierce enough to inspire confidence, but Gemma was in real trouble. Cipherus had divorced his last wife and vanished his only son under the thinnest of pretenses when both had displeased him.

By the snatches of noble gossip Starella had caught from the zephyrs, Gemma was in a more precarious position than Aunt Vesper. Two years, and she had yet to give Cipherus a baby.

Now she had been caught sneaking out...

Would she vanish, too?

The guards stopped in front of their table.

"Princess Starella," the guard in the lead said, "I'm afraid your mother is gravely ill."

* * *


The next few minutes were surreal.

The guards had no further information for her other than Princess Sunli had fallen and Starella had been ordered to her bedside as quickly as possible.

Princesses did not run, but Starella walked down the hallway as quickly as she could. Gemma invited herself along and the three guards flanked them.

It reminded her of that night when Cousin Corvus had disappeared. The night, she realized now, she ceased being a child. Afterward, she had put away childish things — her toys, her dragon's egg — and started focusing on being the best princess she could be so tragedy would never befall her again.

Now, despite all her diligence, it had. And it made no sense. Her mother was healthy and hail. What could have happened to make her fall ill?

After what seemed to be an age, but was surely a few minutes, Starella stopped in front of her mother's rooms.

Her uncle Cipherus stood in front of the doors.

Starella had never liked the man. Tall, dark-haired, and spindly, he always appeared to be looking down at her. He was also — well, it was uncouth to say aloud, but she hated how Cipherus always found an opportunity to touch her. A press of his hand on her shoulder or her arm. A brush of his robe against hers as they passed in the hallways. Even his gaze felt heavy. Being in his presence made it feel like spiders were dancing up her spine.

Through long practice, Starella did not allow any of her distaste for her uncle to cross her face. She was a princess and princess's were perfect.

Stopping exactly three steps from him, she delivered a half-bow — showing the courtesy of one generation princess to a prince.

"Uncle, I've come as quickly as I could. How is my mother?"

"Quite ill, by all reports." Cipherus’s voice was grave and he did not spare one glance for his wife. All his considerable attention bore down on Starella. "She collapsed shortly after breakfast. The healers do not yet know what happened."

Starella's throat tightened. She nodded and reached for the door since there were no servants present to open it for her. Cipherus stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She turned, grateful when his hand instantly fell away, fingers trailing past her shoulder blade.

"The king is at her bedside," Cipherus said. "No one is allowed in."

She could not remember the last time King Orphus had left his wing of the palace. Sunli's health must be dire, indeed.

"Will she be..." Starella stopped, unsure how to finish the sentence without sounding weak or unsure.

Her uncle smiled. Likely, it was meant to be consoling but she hated how his silver gazed fixed on her.

"Rest assured, Starella, whatever happens, your family will be here for you. You are my only niece and will always be under my protection."

Yes, she had seen what happened to those under Cipherus’s protection. Her cousin, likely dead. His current wife had taken to rebellion by sneaking out of the palace, and who even now had moved to an unobtrusive corner where she could not be noticed.

Sometimes, the only way Starella could sleep at night was with the knowledge that if the king died in his sleep, it would be her mother who ascended to the throne. Sunli had always been Orphus's favorite.

And now she was sick. Perhaps dying, and her uncle...

No, don't think of that, she scolded herself. A princess does not show fear.

So she smiled up at Cipherus. "Thank you, Uncle."

The doors opened and the king's valet walked out. He looked at Starella. "Princess, your mother has asked for you."

Glad to have an excuse to leave her uncle's presence, Starella bowed again to Cipherus, turned, and practically fled into the room. The feelings of spiders crawling up her spine did not leave her skin until the door shut between them.

Note: Scale from 1-10, how creepy is Cipherus? I was aiming for 11.



On a scale from 1-10? 99


He didn't leer and lick his lips while looking at his niece. Creepy in an indirect way - solid 8. His marriage sounds like common practice in medieval times to me.


He needs to rub her shoulders and sniff her hair to get to a creepy Uncle Joe 11

River Asmussen

In that case, you hit the nail right on the head


I'll take an 8. The lip lick thing... oh yuck. You know he's doing that when her back is turned. lol.

Some BS Deity

Good stuff, I've watched a few too many criminal minds and law and order episodes to give him anything above a 7

Some BS Deity

Still a waste of space and should be removed from the gene pool for the betterment of society.

Bunny Waffles

I look forward to the day Charm scours the filth that is Cipherus from the face of the earth with a nice cleansing blast of concentrated sunlight.

Munirah Hutchinson

11! This paired with his disdain for his son (and seemingly men in general), I can only imagine what he'd be like if he had a daughter instead of being forcibly sterilised. I guess Corvus' mother did one good thing in her life there

Derick Coiler

I think you managed a solid 7.75 Could definitely be creepier….


Solid 8. Needs more physical manifestations of his lust to be 11.

Matthew Flowers

Gotta mention uncle licking his lips at her and stealing her clothes that's 11/10 Creepoid

Tyler Gibbs

I’d say more an 8. Creepy ness was definitely communicated but in more of a tell than show way. The way you described her reactions rather than his actions to indicate creepyness lessened it a bit for me. Just my 2 sense


Yeah I can't compete with Criminal Minds. Though if and when Cipherus's judgement comes I gotta figure out how to put in that Law and Order Ba-BUM sound effect... ;)


LOL. She has her moments (though they're all selfishly motivated) and... you bring up a good point about him not having a daughter. Yikes.


Dang it. Can I put in a line where Starella wonders why her underthings keeps disappearing? Nah...


That's perfectly fine. 8 means there's room to grow and I'm totally okay with that. Thanks!


Probably a solid 9. It could have included some more touchy things that would have put it to an 11. The fact that he doesn’t relent even after she gives no sign of caring though is kinda creepy


God, how did this kingdom survive till now? Our history is full of noble people getting killed because of their stupid shit. How has not one talented noble house gone mad and burned the entire kingdom to the ground to be kings of the ashes?


Well the Shield house at least has been actively plotting to usurp the king using Corvus so that's one.


"The palace complex was fast. " It should be vast