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It's July, so I might as well update you all on the posting schedule.

Path of the Dragon Mage:

(Table of Contents) 

$5 Tier - 3X a week

(Mon-Wed-Fri) starting next week.

$1 Tier - 1 week in advance of Royal Road. That usually means new chapters every Tues/Thurs, but I'll continue announce when a new chapter is unlocked with posts only you guys will see. Speaking of, you all got a new chapter (55) yesterday. Go get it. :)

Also, for you $5 folks: I'll also be posting more of Modern Day Dragonrider and my new Isekai story soon. I'd like to gauge feedback and overall interest to see if any of these plots floating inside my head are worth publishing to Royal Road or not. 

However, don't feel obligated to read the others if you don't want. I know you're all here for Path of the Dragon Mage and I intend to provide with a minimum of 3 chapters a week. 

~ S.G.


Scott Frederiksen

Very interested in all your stories! Feed me words! 😜