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A/N: When I wrote this out the end of the chapter felt like a natural stopping point, but in edits it feels... short. So look for another upload this weekend. 

Corvus was not sure why he was surprised when Larissa found them the moment NightShade stepped a hoof into Duck Water Village. 

They were still hidden under the power of the See-Me-Not pendant. In order for the pendant’s charm to work for all of them, they had to be on NightShade’s back. Charm was once again tucked in Corvus’s jacket, snoozing.

Although the stallion was invisible, he had to make pains to tread as lightly as possible to dampen the clip-clop of his hooves. There was nothing they could do to conceal hoof-prints appearing in the dirt. Most people were so involved in their daily business they counted on no one looking down.

The hardest task was keeping NightShade from brushing into someone. The stallion kept a look out with Gwen acting like an extra pair of eyes. Soundlessly, she directed the horse to step this way and that in a partnered dance that looked so graceful it seemed effortless. Their bond had strengthened thanks to Gwen’s new Path, and then enhanced again with the communication spell for the Companion Essence.

Feeling like dead weight, all Corvus could do was hang on, try to shift his balance with NightShade’s quick movements, and not make any noise. He disliked feeling useless. It gave him a glimpse of insight into Gwen’s new ferocity and drive never to be a bystander during a battle again.

NightShade leapt over the yoke of a wagon, landing so lightly that only one merchant glanced their way. He frowned at the empty air, then seemed to shrug it off as if mentally blaming his senses for playing tricks on him.

All of that was prior to getting through the village's front gate. Once NightShade stepped inside, Larissa melted out of the afternoon crowd as if she had been waiting for them the entire time.

With her powers of sight, she might have been.

Larissa wore her full village guard regalia which looked a little odd on her aged form. However, she didn’t earn a second glance from merchants and villagers. In fact, those who saw her gave way with respectful deference.

She casually sidled up to NightShade’s side, though her blank eyes never once faced in his direction.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” she asked in a low undertone out of the corner of her mouth.

Corvus felt Gwen give a start in surprise, though of course he couldn’t see it. 

“She can see us?” Gwen hissed.

“I see with more than my eyes, little girl,” Larissa said.

“And she can see people’s intentions,” Corvus added. “You know why we’re here, Larissa. Do you have a place to hide us, or should we leave?”

They’d kept their voices low, but if she was unwilling to shelter them, he wouldn’t push it. He’d done enough damage to allies to easily stomach more.

“You should leave,” Larissa said, “But yes, I have a place to hide you. Follow me, and make sure that horse of yours doesn’t drop anything suspicious.”

NightShade gave an affronted snort at that, catching the attention of other horses nearby.

They followed Larissa down side streets which took them deeper into the village. This area seemed to be mostly residential and sparsely populated this time of the day. Larissa seemed to be well known and respected, exchanging greeting with some mothers out with young children.

There were also soldiers in palace colors either out on patrol in pairs, or at ease by the few scattering of bars. They stopped at one cross street to watch a group of young men and boys marched in orderly rows with a man who had the rank knots of a sergeant directing them. They went to the end of the street and turned at his command. By the shouts of the sergeant they were being trained in the fine discipline of the march.

Most of the group were older teenagers, but a few particularly underfed looking boys were Corvus’s age. So was one of the few girls. All still wore their commoner clothing, and a few carried pitchforks in places of swords.

Today was to be the day of the draft. These teens were preparing to go to training for the war. The uniforms would come later.

Corvus watched them with mixed emotions. He had thought himself undertrained while with Solt, but had he chosen the Foot Soldier class, his body condition and unpatched clothing would have made him stand out from the rest. Not to mention his Path system which allowed him to learn faster and gain skills.

Larissa turned down another street and the marching group fell out of sight. 

Finally, she stopped before a modest sized house. It was nothing special — no plants or particular decorations set out. Something that could be easily passed by on the street.

As she unlocked the door, Larissa spoke for the first time since greeting them. “I’m glad I never let my husband spring for those wooden floors.” Then she let the door swing wide enough to allow NightShade in.

The horse ducked under the top of the door and walked in as calmly as he would a stable. The floors were stone, and well swept.

“He makes a mess and you’re cleaning it up,” Larissa warned.

“Yes, ma’am,” Gwen said, unusually cowed.

Corvus dismounted the moment the door closed, breaking out of the See-Me-Not charm.

“Thank you—“

She held up a hand to stop him, “staring” fixedly at his jacket. No doubt, she saw the sleeping hatchling dragon inside.

“Well, I knew you stirred up a golden hornet’s nest, but I never suspected you went this far. I suppose old Solt is dead.”

“I don’t know,” Corvus said.

Gwen fully dismissed the charm and dismounted, scowling. “He took one of the guard’s horses and ran.”

Larissa sighed. She turned to Gwen and paused again, more openly taken aback than she had been at noticing the dragon. “Well I’ll be. You’re one of us.”

“What?” Gwen asked.

“She means you're a Path Walker. And yes, Charm healed her, just before she hatched,” Corvus explained. 

At the sound of her name, Charm stirred and stuck her head out from between his jacket buttons. She gave a wide yawn, showing mostly gums with a couple baby teeth poking out. 

“I don’t know how, but it opened up her Paths,” Corvus finished.

Larissa turned to Gwen. “And you never experience the blight?”

Gwen shook her head.

“I don’t suppose this is repeatable,” Larissa mused. “My current husband has a daughter from his first wife who would choose an interesting Path if she were given the chance..”

“She… came very close to the brink,” Corvus said, “And it badly drained Charm as well. It’s not something I would feel comfortable repeating.” He didn’t add the part about the blood oath that had linked Gwen to the egg. That had been a moment between him and Gwen.

“Humph. Well, you’ve been given a new lease on life, young lady. And since you now walk the Paths it's sure to be an extraordinary life.”

A rainbow of expressions passed over Gwen’s face before settling on solemn. “It’s been a lot to take in, I’m still getting used to the idea.”

“You will, and you’ll come to see it as a blessing, I’m sure. You’ve been given a gift. Make sure you do something with it.”

Corvus felt a little bad. He had not spoken with Gwen much about the nature of the Paths other than given her an outline of the basics. He was still a beginner himself, but he should have done more to reassure her.

“I know how it can take a while for big changes in your life to sink in,” he said to her. “I’m sorry, I should have explained more—“

“I don’t need you to hold my hand,” Gwen said. “My mom taught me to read most words, and I can figure out these weird messages myself.”

“Well.” Larissa sat down in an aged and patched chair that had the air of a long time favorite. Despite the fact she had two Path users, a baby dragon, and a horse in her house, she seemed completely at ease. “If you like, I can look at your sheet and give you some advice like I did for your young man here. The first bit, I’ll give to you both whether you want to hear it or not: When nightfall comes, you get out of this village. Then you run, and you keep running.”

“Is there a writ of order for my execution?” Corvus asked. His father functioned as a high palace court magistrate. He knew something about the law.

“They’ve got their orders,” Larissa said, “But it’s not an official writ or a warrant. I’ve seen the paperwork the officers are carry in their pockets. Most have preemptive pardons for high crimes. Though the signature is the Prince’s, not the King’s.”

“They can’t do that!” he said, affronted. “Only the King can give out a preemptive pardon and there’s only been used a handful of times in the last century.”

Gwen looked confused. “So?”

“It means his father wants him dead,” Larissa said, “And is willing to use illegal ways to do it. If his men succeed, they think the hammer of the palace won’t come down on them. They’re being set up.”

“He would likely try to keep it quiet. It's a backup plan.” Corvus said. “The pardon would be used if… my body turned up and could be traced back to my father.”

It shouldn’t have hurt all this time, but it did. “Cipherus has never liked me. I’ve always been a disappointment to him. My mother said he remarried and wants to start again with a new heir. I wish him luck,” he added bitterly, wondering if Cipherus had realized he could not get a woman with child or not.

“Then there’s the second group looking for you,” Larissa said, piling on with no pity. “They trickled into the village in ones and twos, all wearing plainclothes — very sneaky. But of course that doesn’t mean anything to me.” She tapped her temple. “All happen to have badges of the Shield house. I assume that your mother’s side of the family?”


“And now you have a baby dragon, which should put you next in line to the throne.”

He hesitated. “Yes, when I’m ready to return.”

Larissa threw back her head and cackled in glee. “I like that! Well, I’ll help you sneak out tonight. But make sure you return back here some time. I’d like to see your progress.”

Suddenly, he and Gwen received a notification. 


Larissa has invited you to the party: The Path Walker club.

She winked a blind eye at them. “It’s an exclusive invitation.”

Corvus accepted and after a startled moment, Gwen did too. 

“Good,” Larissa said to Gwen. “When you party with other path users you can share experience in combat. It’s good for fighting monsters. Stay in the party — you can be in three at once. Eventually, you’ll move out of range, but we’ll be alerted when we all come close enough for another friendly visit. Now, let’s see your sheet.”


Scott Frederiksen

Awesome, though I agree it's a little short but you're going to spoil us with weekend releases! (Not complaining! 😜)

Patrick Short

Thank you for the chapter. And yeah *scratches the back of my head* it does feel a bit short

Tomer Yud

*scratches the sides of the elbow* it does feel short. also will they share exp with Larisa now that their in her party? or after a certain range they wont


cant see the previous chapter o.O

Some BS Deity

Gotta agree good stopping point but definitely short.


As always I am loving this story, thanks for another chapter!


Thanks, great chapter.


Thanks, awesome chapter


*Scratches underside of foot* Short can be okay once in a while.


Try this link? https://www.patreon.com/posts/52862860 and let me know if it doesn't work. It should. You have the right tier and the link hasn't changed


Correction: "I’ve seen the paperwork the officers are carry in their pockets." Remove the are or add carrying