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Hi all!

Huge thanks again for joining up to my Patreon. Your support means a lot and allows me to carve out time in my day to write. 

Update Schedule:

Path of The Dragon Mage: will be updated 3x a week. Royal Road receives updates twice a week, so you all will be ahead of the curve. Due to Memorial Day shenanigans (went out fishing -- caught zero fish) updates this week will be Tuesday (yesterday), Thursday, and Saturday. Going forward this month, look for updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Modern Day Dragonrider ($5 tier): Will be updated Saturdays

Under Wicked Sky ($5 tier): Thursdays

Useful links:

Path of the Dragon Mage: Table of Contents 

(Novel Download) Astrid Vs. The Asteroid  

Modern Day Dragon Rider: Table of Contents ($5 tier for now. Will open to all tiers when I start posting it on RR)

Under Wicked Sky: Table of Contents ($5 tier for now. Will open to all tiers when I start posting it on RR)


Will be adding more chapters to finish out the Colonize/Survive saga on RR. Of course, it'll be posted here first. Aiming for July when Astrid vs The Asteroid is finished on RR.

Thanks again for being a patreon and feel free to comment or message me if you have any questions!



Will there be a second part to Astrid vs the Astroid?


Yup! That's in the works! I don't have a hard date on it yet but it will be a trilogy.


Yay! How about a soft date? Like this year or next? I love your writing and need more!


Thanks so much! It's on schedule for this year. I wanted to finish up a couple of other things bumping around my brain before starting #2 of Astrid.


I bet the overwhelming majority of people here are here for POTDM

Munirah Hutchinson

Are there going to be anymore updates to Modern Day Dragon Rider?


Yup! Sorry about the delay. I'm writing ahead and came up with a snag. I thought I had it figured out but I wanted to start it right so it has a strong foundation going forward.