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2 new videos are up on shygoth.com one of me inside the convention checking out the gaming room and artist alley! The 2nd one is me walking the streets and hanging outside of the convention! I had so many people want to take photos with me and interacting with me! It was an awesome day! 

I cosplay as Rebecca from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners! It was so much fun to walk around almost naked at the convention! I will admit that I am a huge fan of pasties so this outfit was a dedication to that fashion along with having fun dressing up. I will admit that cosplaying is still new field for me but I am excited to keep going to conventions and coming up with fun cosplays!

Check out 2 new videos on shygoth.com




Fantastic!!!! I had never heard of "Fanime" before. You look-ded awesome!!! Was that body paint on your body or temporary tattoos? Wow, I just watched the second video and you are a Saint of Patience! I can understand someone taking one, maybe two photos of/with you, but DAMN...that one guy kept having you move to certain spots and walk towards him, etc. I also find it interesting how some photographers use the "higher end" cameras (DSLRs and similar, I presume) to take photos at events like this. I can understand professional photographers being hired to take photos at an event like this, but I don't know if the photographers you ran into on the street were hired by the event producers. Regardless, love-ded it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!