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(Real quick, the pic is a teaser of the next few videos I made in Vegas, so stay tuned for them!)

We're nearing the the end of my third month here on Pareon and I think I have a hang of how things work and how to make the content you guys want. I still have more to learn but I think I ready for more and I'm sure you'll agree!

New Tier Idea!

I want to step it up and make a new tier that I think many of you will love. I'm still not sure the exact direction I want to take the tier and I want to warn you that it could be subject to change as the months go on(with ample warning if it does). But I want to make a tier where you will receive the normal content plus exclusive content only for this tier. What will be exclusive to the tier, you ask? Filming with other girls, pizza dare videos, and public hidden vibrator videos. Maybe more, but for now that will be its focus. I plan to make the tier start at $75 (also subject to change!!) and I will probably make 2 videos a month. It'll start next month.

Now if I am going to film with other girls I don't want them to perform without being properly compensated so I would need to raise the funds from the tier first before I can film with someone, if that makes sense(basically I'm looking for 6+ members before I can pay for anther girl). That being said there is a cute girl who was already messaged me wanting to just play around in public and she is more then willing to film with me! So that's got to get your interest right?

With this new Tier idea I will have to cut back on my normal contact. Honestly eight videos a month was really hard to make to begin with and the cutback was something I was thinking about for a while. 8 videos a month is almost 100 a year and having so many unique ideas year after year seems impractical and I don't want to make boring or stale content, not to mention having to rush to keep making more. But If I cut back to four videos a month as I originally promised in the tier description is much more manageable and I can focus make better videos each week. I know this sucks but I hope you understand(and 4 vids a month for $25 is still a good rate, right?)

Please let me know what you think about all of this, the new tier, the old tier changes, anything you want to input, etc!

Also please comment below if you definitely want to join the new tier at the beginning of the next month so I can talk to that girl and get things rolling early.


Instead of replying to each comment I will make a quick response here to general statements :)

Only four videos: The problem with making eight videos a month mean every week I have to plan out two outfits, two location, film twice, edit twice, all on top of my day job and managing the social media aspect of all of this. That process can lead me to rushing videos or making content more underwhelming then I'd like. Cutting that in half will allow me to make sure each video is well thought out, with good editing, and ideally longer/with better scenes.

But the goal would be to make them riskier. Cutting the video amount in half will allow me to have the time to plan out proper scene that can include more/longer flashing moments, time to reshoot/redo, wait for the right moments, etc. Where as with eight vids I would have to take what I could get as I only have so much free time each week that I can shoot. I think 4 videos for $25 still reasonable but I absolutely understand the disappointment from the change and I hope you understand my side of this.

Pussy Play: Currently the hosting site won't allow actual porn but softcore content is (hidden vibs are okay, even on youtube, lol) . I can't make active masturbation videos but I can maybe do more gentle touching if that is something that would be enjoyed.

Nipple Play: I plan to add more nipple play in my vids, as I enjoy that part too, lol! Maybe I can make a video at home where that's all I do, if your interested, idk?

Topless City Tour: I was going to keep this to myself for a bit as it may be a while off but since were talking about future plans I'll mention it now. What I would really love to do is go around to cities that allow toplessness and film! Just imagine me in New York, Austin, Boulder, parts of Hawaii and Miami, etc! I feel like this could be a lot of fun being free to bare it all. Of course this would be expensive and this patreon would have to be bigger to help with that. But The new tier would help me get to this goal and everyone would benefit from it :)

Please keep giving me your thoughts in the comments!



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