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Update: I apologize I forgot to share results!!

Espeon takes the win!

Hello all! It’s time for the monthly art poll!

Help me decide who I draw this month! The winner will be featured in a full illustration later this month, and that will be a patron exclusive for 6 months~

Voting is open now through the 6th, so make sure to get your vote in!✨

Vote here: https://forms.gle/BJ9JrHadMdPeMqZD8

Note: all  gold tier Patrons also get access to an additional channel in my Discord server, where I’ll collect suggestions for characters and prompts to put in future polls!




Ok, that could have been any bee… but I didn’t want to just say “Bee”, and I was doing a character from the same series so I figured it scores relevance points, lol


Also, credit to @Agrimmora on twittter for the original Moushley concept