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And we officially arrive at March!

We’re certainly making steady progress through the year, pretty crazy tbh.

I’ve made a fun selection of different art you can look forward to this month! Filling out the bonus lineup we have Vex from League of Legends and Reshiram from Pokémon, both of whom I think will make for some great content~

In addition, the art poll is up now through the 7th! Find it here if you haven’t voted yet: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-art-poll-79377076

Want to see a favorite of yours appear in a poll? Nominations for the pinup poll later this month are now open! You can drop a nominee now through the 22nd here: https://forms.gle/r2m8AtE7CfEaBue67

Now for sketch requests~

Silver tier patrons use this link for their waist-up sketch requests: https://forms.gle/XYWzuDVP48x1V3CV7

Gold tier patrons use this link for their fullbody sketch requests: https://forms.gle/zrNo9zNzRPAmXuFx7

Note: Sketches are usually delivered throughout the month, but may be delivered at the start of the following month if my schedule is busy. Please fill out the form by the 21st to claim your sketch, a reminder message will be sent 3 days in advance if you haven’t filled it out by then~ Reply order will determine the order I draw them in. If you wish to have a 2-character sketch, you may either bank your sketch to combine it with next month’s or pay for an additional character ($15 for a waist up or $25 for a fullbody). If you are banking a sketch, please still fill out the form making note of that



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