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Regarding Exclusive Illustrations

  • I *do* like the idea of releasing the exclusive pics publicly 23
  • I *don’t* like the idea of releasing the exclusive pics publicly 2
  • 2023-02-15
  • —2023-02-23
  • 25 votes
{'title': 'Regarding Exclusive Illustrations', 'choices': [{'text': 'I *do* like the idea of releasing the exclusive pics publicly', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'I *don’t* like the idea of releasing the exclusive pics publicly', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 23, 4, 59, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 15, 16, 17, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 25}


Update: With an incredibly positive reception to the idea of releasing exclusive illustrations, I’ve decided that I will slowly begin to trickle them out. To get some of the… less impressive older drawings out of the way, I’ll start out with 2 drawings per month, eventually simplifying to 1 per month.

Hi all! I wanted to ask a hypothetical here to gauge approval

So, for over 2 years I’ve been featuring an exclusive pic on my Patreon every month. This was done in an effort to incentivize pledging while also offering some unique content

Recently though, I’ve decided that for a better content flow, it’s in my best interests to discontinue the exclusive illustrations. With the positive feedback from a recent poll, the exclusive slot will now be swapped with an alternate poll, that will focus on one off, non alt-focused pics. This poll will drop at the end of this month in the same time slot as the previous poll, but starting in March, it will drop on the 1st, and the patron-nominated fanart poll will be released later in the month (this also allows for a more generous window to make nominations too).

Now onto the main matter for today; I want to know how receptive the current patron base is to the idea of releasing the previous exclusive illustrations to the public. At this point they kinda feel like an awkward spot on my Patreon, as they’re going to turn into this no longer updated tag with a definitive selection of pics…

The idea I’d have would be to start slowly trickling them out, likely at 1-2 pics per month.

I won’t even really entertain the idea further if I don’t see at least an 80% majority yes vote, but please vote honestly, and if you have any input, you are more than encouraged to leave your thoughts in the replies or contact me directly

Also, I’ll be dm’ing this psot through Patreon to everyone as well, so apologies to those who are more diligent with notifications for getting spammed.🙏

Thank you for your time, and I hope you’re all having a great day!



And of course, this is purely hypothetical at this point, as I may simply not release them regardless of feedback

Michael Eminhizer

honestly, thank you letting me know about this and hopefully, you'll gain more of an attraction with your work