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Just over an hour left to make poll nominations!!

Hello all, and happy November~

It’s honestly crazy to think this year is nearly over, having a hard time wrapping my head around it tbh… But! Let’s make the most of what is left this year!!

I have some fun characters picked out for this month’s bonus lineup, and I hope you’re looking forward to them✨

The pinup poll nominations are open now! This month is open to any valid nominations, so please pick your faves✨ These submissions are open now through the 3rd at 5PM EST, so make sure to make a nomination before then! Here’s the link to do that: https://forms.gle/r2m8AtE7CfEaBue67

And for sketch requests~

Silver tier patrons use this link for their waist-up sketch requests: https://forms.gle/XYWzuDVP48x1V3CV7

Gold tier patrons use this link for their fullbody sketch requests: https://forms.gle/zrNo9zNzRPAmXuFx7

Sketches are usually delivered throughout the month, but may be delivered at the start of the following month if my schedule is busy. Please fill out the form by the 21st to claim your sketch, a reminder message will be sent 3 days in advance if you haven’t filled it out by then~ Reply order will determine the order in which I draw them in. If you wish to bank your sketch and combine it with next month’s, please still fill out the form but make note of that.

I hope you’re all looking forward to the content, and I’ll be back Friday for comm opening!✨



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