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The results are in, and the winner for last month was Scene 10! So sometimes in the potentially near future, you can look forward to snacking on some of Alice's lackeys with Leah!

Now, as mentioned in the State of the Game post I put up a little while ago, this month we will be doing a character Q&A instead of a scene poll! Instead of suggesting scenes to be added to the game, this month anyone at the Sophomore tier or higher is able to submit questions for the characters in the game to answer! At the end of the month, I'll make a post where I answer a selection of the questions submitted in-character as whichever character it was directed at. You can find the Q&A from last year here for reference if you don't quite understand what I mean by that: https://www.patreon.com/posts/character-q-76267219

Unlike the scene polls where you can only have one suggestion entered at once that has to be approved, for the Q&A everyone eligible can submit up to 15 questions, but with the important caveat that not all questions will get used and I won't be giving any approval/denial as you make them. Juniors and Seniors are guaranteed to have at least one of their questions get used, but Sophomores may get unlucky and have none of theirs get selected.

To Summarize:

  • No scene poll this month, instead there will be an in-character Q&A session exclusively for patrons
  • Anyone who's at the sophomore or higher tier can submit as many as 15 questions directed at any of the characters in the game
  • I will not be approving/denying them as they come in like I do for scene suggestions, Juniors and Seniors are guaranteed to have at least one question be answered but Sophomores may potentially get unlucky and not have any of theirs selected
  • The deadline for submitting questions is December 20th. I aim to have the post with the Q&A up on the 25th, just like the scene poll!

Submit your questions be messaging me here on patreon or over on discord when you're ready!


The Sci-Fi Slut

I had my questions for the next Q&A ready before the first one even finished
