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Another dev build is ready to go! This one's a fair bit lighter than the last, mainly focused on tying up loose ends to bring everything back together for the evening timeslot. I also spent some time working on the list of bugs that's been building up, including notable examples like:

  • Loading a save made at the end of a pred scene no longer breaks the scene
  • Vivian is fixed to work properly with the new system without being such a pushover that one of her normal loss scenes was impossible to trigger, including a new action with unique text
  • Mina's lab scene no longer breaks your stomach capacity by leaving an indegestible clone permanently taking up space in your gut
  • Kris's actions actually never got updated to the new system standard somehow so that's fixed now
  • Cherry's Friday scene now has new niche alt text for if you manage to lose instantly so that she doesn't reference you making a choice that you didn't last long enough to be offered
  • A lot of other small things

Additionally, this build includes the first example of something I mentioned I would be testing out on the discord a little while back: Reused vore scenes for catch-up content. If you haven't been voracious enough to trigger the scene with Vickey/Roxanne that was added in the last build, you'll now instead encounter Amelia on the hunt in a situation nearly identical to her scene back on Thursday. If you got any version of her scene the first time around, she (shouldn't) show up, as this is explicitly another chance at getting the same scene rather than a proper new encounter with her. I don't intend to do this that often, but occasionally reusing scenes like this will help save me a lot of time on "filler" content for situations like this where I still want to give players that are lagging behind on certain routes something to do. Let me know how you feel about this!

Everything up until dinner is done now, though while I was really hoping to get both of the dinner scenes done for this build I was only able to finish Leila's. Still, I hope you enjoy the new content! There should only be a few more builds until Day 8 is complete!:

This is an unstable version of the game, so be aware that you may encounter bugs, dead ends, and unfinished scenes.  Remember not to export saves from dev builds! :


There are currently 6 vore scenes on Day 8:

  • Lab with Leah (Non-Fatal)
  • Eat Vickey
  • Eat Amelia [Repeat Scene]
  • Eaten by Maeve (Always Fatal)
  • Eaten by Darcy
  • Eaten by [redacted]

The next build will be posted on September 15th!


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