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[Edit: The description of Scene 14 was updated to include more information!]

It's time to vote for June's scene! Read the descriptions below, then pick your favorite from the list! Remember that for this month, scenes with Emma or Sam were banned.  Juniors and Seniors, remember to comment with what you want your extra votes used on!

Scene 1: Emma accidentally drops her room key on the way out of class one day, and if you aren't there to catch her mistake someone else finds it and pays you a visit later that evening. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Week 2 [I know her name is here even though she's banned but Emma is not actually an important part of this scene :P]

Scene 2: If you managed to escape Izumi on Thursday, you'll find later on that she's still interested in finishing her meal. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Week 2

Scene 3: If you know what happened to Tia during the Monday Massacre, you're able to tip off Mia during Cooking Club about Rachel being responsible for her fate. This ends predictably when she tries to confront her about it. (Oral Vore, Player Observer) Day 4/Wednesday or Day 10/Wednesday of Week 2

Scene 4: Having heard about the collection of trophies from her past prey that Zoey keeps in her room, you and a few other freshman, as well as Cherry, who instigated the whole thing, dare each other to sneak into her dorm and steal one. The end result for the first to try it is predictable. (Oral Vore, Possible Player Prey) Week 2

Scene 5: If she's still around, you bump into Alex in the dining hall on Wednesday and get into a quickly escalating argument. Luckily, Kayla steps in to intervene, potentially giving you an opportunity to finish your disagreement with a meal while Alex is distracted. Unless your past actions would lead Kayla to be mad at you herself, of course... (Oral Vore, Player Pred, Player Prey[Kayla is the pred in this outcome, to be clear ^^;]) Day 4/Wednesday

Scene 6: If you continue to incessantly flirt with Sunny at every opportunity, she starts to get tired of it. She decides to give you a harsh warning that you're going too far by following through on her joking offer to take "pervy pics" with you as the one in her gut- whether you agree to it or not. (Oral Vore, Player Prey, Potentially Fatal) Day 6 or 7/Friday or Saturday

Scene 7: You ask Sunny to teach you some tricks for being a better predator. It quickly becomes obvious that she was not a good choice of teacher, but maybe you'll learn at least a little bit. (Oral Vore, Player Observer?) Week 2

Scene 8: Alex, frustrated by what happened on Monday still if you tried to eat her, sparks a standoff between her with a few other freshmen and Alice's clique at lunch. If you side with Alice, you can help her get a double meal out of the encounter. (Oral Vore, Player Observer/Accomplice, Multiprey) Day 5/Thursday

Scene 9: Zoey manages to get her hands on Mina, and, after eating her, forces the player to give her a belly rub if they want her back. Even if you oblige, you'll find that Zoey's word isn't worth much. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Week 2

Scene 10: After the second tabletop meeting, if you, Leah, and Tara linger in the halls to chat for too long you'll be confronted by a hungry senior on the prowl. (Oral Vore, Player Prey, Multiprey) Day 10/Week 2 Wednesday

Scene 11: Having somehow found out about it, Penny shows up at the party on Saturday, hoping to get her particular brand of fun out of the evening by pretending to be an oblivious freshman. You can take the bait, but the results are predictable. (Oral Vore, Player Pred, Non-Fatal, Willing Prey?) Day 7/Saturday

Scene 12: One night while you're hanging out with Leah, if you have a high relationship, you can catch her a meal, then give her a belly rub while the two of you relax together. (Oral Vore, Player Observer/Accomplice) Week 2

Scene 13: You come across an ad on campus from an artist looking to hire someone as a model they can use for practice drawing the human form--specifically, they have to be willing to be nude and have a full belly for the duration of the session. You can take the job if you're interested, but when you arrive find that you and another girl will have to decide which of you is going to be prey and which one will be the pred. (Oral Vore, Player Pred, Player Prey, Non-Fatal) Week 2

Scene 14: After successfully eating Nicole on Thursday, you now have the option to send a selfie boasting about it to someone who's number you have. What the selfie is like, risque or casual, and what you may get sent in return depends on who you choose to send it to. Week 2

Scene 15: If you've started to get a reputation as a very active predator, Kim will give you some friendly advice about how acting like that can draw unwanted, negative attention. If you snub her suggestion to take it a little easier and continue to act ravenously at the party, she'll decide to teach you a much more intense lesson. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 7/Saturday

Scene 16: If you have Jackie's room key but didn't use it, and Leila is mad at you for stealing Mina from her, you have the option to catch up with her after hanging out on Thursday and offer to help her catch an easy replacement meal by raiding the dorm. (Oral Vore, Player Observer/Accomplice) Day 5/Thursday

Scene 17: You run into a hungry Bree in the halls, but this time she isn't bringing you anywhere but through her digestive tract. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 5, 6, or 7/Before the end of Week 1

Scene 18: If she survived your initial encounter, Alex comes looking for revenge against the player later in the week. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 5, 6, or 7/Before the end of Week 1

Scene 19: If you've put on a few too many pounds, you discover that your size can attract unwanted attention. A sophomore trying to work on her stomach capacity singles you out as the perfect target to help push her limits. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 6 or 7/Friday or Saturday

Scene 20:  If Nadia saved you at Maeve's party, you run into her one day and find she has an offer for you: another hookup, this time not just with her but another girl she likes too. If you take her up on it, however, you may find that you didn't fully understand the role they wanted you to play. (Oral Vore, Player Prey, Sex, Potentially Fatal) Day 6 or 7/Friday or Saturday

Scene 21: You run into Haley later in the week and, not feeling like she's any sort of threat, have the option to taunt and pester her. Take it too far and you'll find that she may not have been as docile as you thought. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 6 or 7/Friday or Saturday

Scene 22: After mentioning that the twin of the girl Rachel ate during their ambush on Monday is in your club, you offer to help Leila catch Mia after club as a way to make up for saving Mina from her back then. (Oral Vore, Player Observer/Accomplice) Day 10/Week 2 Wednesday

If you don't see your suggestion here even though I approved it, or you feel I've misrepresented what you wanted in my summary, be sure to let me know ASAP!



Senior scene 1


Senior scene 2


Senior, scene 15

Sexy Dinosaur

21 because I wanna see more Haley


Junior scene 2


I also would like to see more of Haley. Who would be the pred in scene 1 by the way? Might affect the votes.


Left ambiguous on purpose, they would be named if it was definitively going to be a character you know !

De Clare

Senior vote for Scene 1 please.


Senior scene 1


Senior, scene 1


Senior Scene 2


Senior scene 14