February Scene Poll FINALS (Patreon)
After tallying all the votes, our three finalists for this month are Scene 3, Scene 7, and Scene 10! Vote for your favorite! Here are their descriptions again for ease of reference:
Scene 3: As you're leaving lunch on Wednesday, you notice Leila sulking because she showed up late and doesn't like any of the food that's left. You can decide to try and befriend the sophomore by helping her catch a bigger meal before clubs. (Oral Vore, Player Observer/Accomplisce) Day 4/Wednesday
Scene 7: Incredulous about your claim to have successfully eaten an upperclassman, Sam challenges you to prove it to her firsthand while the two of you go on the hunt together. (Oral Vore, Player Pred) Day 6/Friday or Week 2
Scene 10: You run into a hungry Bree in the halls, but this time she isn't bringing you anywhere but through her digestive tract. (Oral Vore, Player Prey) Day 5, 6, or 7/Before the end of Week 1