September Scene Poll FINALS
- Scene 5 82
- Scene 7 69
- Scene 15 32
The voting has been narrowed down to three finalists: Scene 5, Scene 7, and Scene 15! Here are the descriptions again for reference:
(Juniors and Seniors, remember to comment with what you want your extra votes used on!)
Scene 5: While at the Halloween party, you come across Kris taking on a dare with money on the line. If you have the extra cash laying around from being Aya's drawing model on Tuesday, you can dare her to crawl down your throat. (Oral Vore, Player Pred) Day 11 (Thursday of Week 2)
Scene 7: One day in the halls you come across Cassidy on her own, being pestered by a pair of girls who take issue with her involvement in Alice's clique. You can choose to step in and help her take care of the two girls, eating one yourself and feeding Cassidy the other. (Oral Vore, Player Pred, Player Observer/Accomplice) Week 2 or 3
Scene 15: One day you come across Leah and one of her friends from Tabletop club eagerly chatting with each other in the halls... and have the option to bully Leah by eating that friend right in front of her. (Oral Vore, Player Pred) Week 2 or 3