June Scene Poll FINALS
- Scene 3 62
- Scene 8 49
- Scene 15 62
The voting has been narrowed down to three finalists: Scene 3, Scene 8, and Scene 15! Here are the descriptions again for reference: Juniors and Seniors, remember to comment with what you want your extra votes used on!
Scene 3: One day, if you've underestimated how much your bust has grown and decide to wear one of your old school uniforms, a wardrobe malfunction sends a button flying into a passing junior's eye, drawing the irritated girl's attention toward you: a meal she finds particularly enticing. (Oral Vore Player Prey) Week 2 or 3
Scene 8: Interested in helping Mina train her stomach capacity to try to push her towards being a pred, you have the idea to take a lower stakes approach to the issue--stretching out her belly with normal food. (Non-Vore, Stuffing) Week 2 or 3
Scene 15: One day you come across Leah and one of her friends from Tabletop club eagerly chatting with each other in the halls... and have the option to bully Leah by eating that friend right in front of her. (Oral Vore, Player Pred) Week 2 or 3