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Vanille is the next Futa character, and shes (hopefully) all finished now! She comes with three clothing items, (hair, dress, dress exposed) and custom skin and morphs. Please let me know if you find any issue that I can fix.

Extract the file "custom.7z" into your vam directory, these are the three clothing items

Load the vac file and play away :)


EDIT: It seems none of my vacs are saving the json since i recently updated to 1.18...I've manually added it so hopefully it should work now!




The vac looks like it got cut off when uploading to patreon or something - it's missing the json file, and probably some other things. It also has a zero-size hair_Spec.png, which is probably just the last semi-missing file, but also probably unnecessary or should be part of the clothing default.


Oh, and the issue with the black background on the hair and generally looking bad is because the render queue was set to 711, when it needs to be set over 2000 since it's semitransparent. With that fixed you probably don't want the alpha texture offset. There's still some issues since self-obscured fragments still probably depend on vertex order or something, and I don't know that there is a good solution there (and fading to black in the way you get with only fully-transparent alpha being transparent does look better in some ways)


What he said. Doesn't work :p


not working for me.


I've JUST updated it, seems my jsons are not saving with my vacs since updating vam. I manually added it and hope it should work now


I get this error when i try to load vac: Error during texture load: Path Custom/Aton/Person/Textures/Vanille/faceD.png is not valid... Etc. None of the skin textures are loading for me :S


Let me look into it ! Seems the textures are in the vac as they should be, are you loading the Vac Scene, or just the Json?


Any chance of you converting this and A2 to fem?


I think i will! I do also want to try and do vanilles hair as actual hair item instead of clothing too. But that part, I can't promise XP