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My favorite drawings from each month! 2 different lists for regular and R18 work. It genuinely depresses me everytime I cant put an original drawing on a month lol.... I hate it!!!

2023 was an interesting year! Lots of learning and doing a bunch of new things, branching out into online sales, make plushies, start a comic, fly to a convention, it was quite eventful! It honestly feels like not much happened because from August to November went through like a blur...

However right at the start of November when things started slowing down things kinda took a turn for the worst! Im fine its nothing to worry about, just personal stuff, a small crisis about wondering if pursuing art as hard as Ive been is worth it, the answer was yes of course lol. And the main takeaway of it ended up being.... I just need to find a better balance of work and myself lol.

I think it affected my output in these last 2 months which annoys me a lot, breaks are good and needed everyone goes through slow times etc etc, but Im not happy if Im not working!!!! My way of dealing with things is just to draw lol, since most times its stuff out of my control, so what better else than to focus on myself, but since a lot of what I had to do was commission/Patreon work its a bit harder to draw and relax when deadlines are looming over you... Which is my fault for taking a bunch of work that I thought I could handle.... Things are always better with hindsight lol.

Starting January I want to focus on wrapping up all pending works, which thankfully at this point are mostly the Tier 4 rewards, once again I apologize sincerely for the wait!! I feel embarrassed to even send messages about whos turn it is to get the monthly illustration since stuff is so delayed....

And in an attempt to have a better balance with work, Ill try my best to only take 1 or 2 commissions a month, no more.... As I try  to branch out more into merchandising, I find that commissions often get in the way, since it takes time to design new stuff an just generally doesnt let me work too much on other personal projects, there was a secret (or maybe not, I may have posted a thing or 2 about it) something I was hoping could get done this month but clearly didnt pan out!!!!!! But hopefully itll be done sooner than later....

I guess this is kind of a good segway into my goals for next year, those areee

  • More damn personal work, more Taifau Cafe, comics!!!!!!! I dont want Taifau Cafe chapters to release at a yearly rate lol.... If the 2024 summary isnt 100% filled with my own characters I will be very upset.
  • Make more merchandise, shirts, stickers, enamel pins, zines, plushies??? Zines in particular Im excited for, I want to do more like KreaHolic and fill em with exclusive drawings! Something that I couldnt quite do as I had planned in that one, but Kreas 10th birthday is next year, so it could be a good chance to go all out!
  • I wanna travel! Im definitely going back to tabling at Confuror, it was a nice experience! And this time other friends are willing to go with me lol, so hopefully itll be a slightly more chill experience.... I would also like to travel to Japan! Its something Ive been meaning to do for years now since.... 2020 lol and you know le epic virus and all that. Theres a now yearly Newgrounds meeting in Toronto, Id like to go too! I was going to this year but taxes kicked my ass really hard!!! At least now I know what Im doing in that regard....
  • Get better at japanese!!! Still a work in progress, unfortunately due to the con and all the work that came after it I took a break from my classes.... Restarting on January tho! If I make any short comics, I really would like to try to translate them! Even if not perfect just for the sake of practice.
  • Do more traditional work. I have the brain of an old man and perhaps surprisingly I think that digital art is kinda lame, traditional is a lot more fun to me, plus its not as taxing on my eyesight lol. I like collecting toys and trinkets and stuff, so being able to touch and interact with stuff is something I personally enjoy a lot. The lack of tangibility on digital work is its biggest weakness imo! So many artbooks that I already had as PDFs I feel Im never able to fully digest until I get my hands on a physical copy, I notice stuff I normally would just scroll over and whatnot. Thats also why I wanna do more merch too, I like collecting and showing stuff a lot! My handbag is full of pins and badges and plushies, my 3DS and phone have a bunch of charms and so on and so forth....
  • Directly related to the last point, Id like to make some time to learn scultping. As a kid I used to make a lot of stuff out of plasticine and enjoyed it a lot! I have played a bit here and there with sculpy in the past few years, but never gave myself too much time to actually make anything presentable. I think making little mogi charms would be cute! Theyre simple enough so it should be doable....
  • Lastly Id like to stick to completing a journal/diary lol.... I kinda gave up halfways through since it became "I draw I sleep"... In that note, I guess I would like to try to make more personal updates/posts in here, I always enjoy reading what artists I follow are up to in their daily lives, might be fun to try myself! But again I never commit since as mentioned, not a lot of things happen lol.... lets hope Im able to travel so I can write down a bunch of stuff

I think thats about it.... I may be missing a thing or 2 but those are the ones I really will try to fulfill! I had always considered 2023 as the year to just try things out, see what works and what doesnt, and Im going into 2024 with going with what I learned, so should be a much smoother ride!

If you read all of this thank you lol, share your goals if you have any! And thank you so much for another year of your support, I will keep doing my best to keep making stuff you guys will enjoy!

A couple more drawings will still drop before the year ends, its not over yet!!!!!!!! Wish me luck....



Joe Bonez

Looking forward to more journal entries! I always appreciate hearing your process and mindset no matter how mundane it may sound lol


That's reassuring to hear haha, I'll try to at least make monthly recaps or so!