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The last poll of the year!! Your OCs are allowed this time around, you have until the 5th to submit your characters!

There's still one poll winner left to be drawn from the September one, I haven't forgotten and hopefully it'll be done this month!! Thanks for your patience.


-While everyone is allowed to enter, people who got into the last OC poll (September) most likely won't get in this one, to give a chance to those who didn't.

-If you complain about not getting in you will not be allowed to be in future polls.



Screw it, I'll share Frida for the SFW poll. Thanks! https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1058243240995868692/1080623798824472656/Frida_clothed.png?ex=657a35d6&is=6567c0d6&hm=d36f7270370ecc5ef41c5d6128c5c36315f3dd07c6d36bccafdb22c70eda4c8e&


Just cause I think yanyan would be funny https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769641147127300186/1181802704855642193/20231205_221150.png?ex=65826289&is=656fed89&hm=f7907349fd4027b102738a79cb3da537725bb1fc05f3865a61cd181dcaaead7f& https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/29103522_wrWvTTV3ANqmemO.png