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While talking with Kururu about making whatever you want and being self indulgent I had mentioned that I find it tough to make up a character that would fill that criteria for me since Krea already does that lol, she is the "mascot" of this place for a reason..... But I decided to give it a shot anyways, and the result was Claire! 

With characters like Choko I think it's clear that I like the ohohoho ojou rich girl type, but surprisingly I don't have a character that fits the blonde and drill hair of the archetype... so here we are!

Anyways, like most new characters she now belongs with the Chokoland cast. She makes livings off of comics, but she prides herself on her writing since she doesn't draw too well, just good enough to do the job. Misa looks up to her!

Due to the way she looks everyone assumes she is rich, so she feels pressured to live up to said image, I made a little comic of one of the many scenarios she ends up running into, featuring Kururu's characters, going full circle with how this text started.....

I wrote more than expected, but a timelapse will be available. I also will try to make another post breaking down the color choices for this one, someone had asked about the process last month so I figured this drawing would be a good choice for that



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