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It's finally the end of the year! And with that I kinda wanted to write a retrospective of sorts and also thank you all for all the support you've given me!! 🥺🥺 As always fair warning I talk a lot I dont know how to write so I'm just putting whatever's on my head out...
I think if I had to describe the whole year with a word or something it'd probably be like... initiative? I think I started to put my foot down on a lot of aspects, what do I want to do long term, which people do I value, and generally just setting some boundaries that I think I was a bit overdue on. One of those things I took initiative on of course as launching this Patreon!
For the longest time I've been told by others that I should open up an account here but I refused due to stubborness, I try to work things out my way, but in hindsight I was doing the opposite, I was in a loop of doing commission work for others and barely any time for myself. Took me a looong time to realize that but hey better late than never! So here we are
Another main motivator was the ammount of people asking if I would continue doing more comics, i hated saying "Yeah! Someday who knows when I'm busy!", I don't like being the type of person who's all talk and no action, so once again I decided tot bite thebullet and here we are
As messy as thebuild up towards the launch was, (I was barely sleeping in order to reach self imposed deadlines) the results were more than I could've dreamed of! I was exxpecting to at best only reach the $100 monthly mark, but was quickly put wrong
And with thesuccess of that there comes a great deal of renposibility! At least personally. Whether you guys like my work in general, want me doing more R18 work or wanna see more of my own characters and ideas, I want to make sure I don't disappoint you all! I don't want to be complacent, you guys believed in me or my work enough to support me, and I couldn't be more thankful for that.
Starting next year I want to make an effort to have more interaction with you guys, I wanna make giveaways of sorts or little contests and such! (The next poll will be reflecting that to some extent.)
Alongside more personal work, there was a longer comic planned for this year, but clearly that didn't pan out, I want to get all these ideas and characters out of my head!
Of course nothing is certain, so none of this could pan out for XYZ reasons, but I'll make sure that in spite of the circumstances I can show my thankfulness to you all through my work.
On some more specific things that happened, I was happy to do some of the merch for FNF! I grew up with Newgrounds, (for one of my middle school assignments I made a Pico clay thingy lol) so getting to do something "official" with those characters made me beyond happy! Can't thank the crew enough for giving me the chance, wishing them the best too!
And the final spotlight probably was getting to do another comic! Even tho it was a completely different cast from the last one and much different in tone I was happy with the response! I'd have been very disappointed if I didn't get the chance to make at least one this year, (making one was a new years resolution actually lol) so once again I was very happy about getting it done, also wasn't as rusty as I'd have thought too!
On the subject of comics doing that one guest piece for DJ Gray was also pretty meaninful! I've been following Supper's work for too long so it wws nice to contribute to one of his projects. It was also validating that even tho I've only done one comic prior it was good enough for others to consider inviting me to do things like that. I felt like a bit of a hack since I'm sure there's many others who've done way more comic work but at the same time it was validating lol
Once again thank you all for everything, you guys made this year one of my best ever! I can't stress enough how much your support means to me
Here's to an even better year! Hope things go just as well if not better for you




Make the world your oyster, Mogege!


You're awesome Mogy <3 I'm so proud of your achievements c: