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This has been on my head for a while! So I figured I'd ask. 

With the Discord server I've been more active there posting WIPs and doodles and whatever else as soon as I have stuff decent enough to share, while I was thinking of updating the Patreon towards the end of the month in image dumps of whatever I have to share, excluding text posts if there's any of course 

Would you guys rather have simultaneous posts on both places or just a couple of big dumps towards the end of each month?


Sen Trillion

Personally I like the posts here as well as I only have discord on my PC and I am on that much less.


Totally fair! Updating discord seemed just easier since i can just upload one wip at a time instead of waiting to have a few things to share like i do in here, but i know not everyone keeps track of servers so i thought id ask!

Sen Trillion

If it makes it easier for you though I really don't mind. It's not some end-of-the-world problem for me.