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Here's an invite for all of those who werent automatically added! It expires in one day! You might need your roles assigned manually, so please DM me here with your Discord username so I can give them to you!

Everyone in tier 2 upwards should be automatically be invited to it now, thanks for your patience!

Please connect your Patreon account to Discord so you get let in alongside your respective roles!

Also unfortunately been having issues with my laptop, mainly driver issues that keep bluescreening it, will work on getting it fixed but that might mean the other poll winner and tier 4s winner might be delayed for a bit! Ill try to get them done before the month ends, but theres a chance that might not be the case. Huge apologies for that! Ill try my best to fix it asap


Miguel Lopez

I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues. Try to take a picture of the error message it gives before it shuts down! Microsoft usually has a step by step guide that coincides with the error message. :)


Yeah been trying to troubleshoot that way since i got quite a few error screens all related to drivers, it just blue screen or freezes again before i can do many of the steps they list....

Worst Warlock

I didn't get in for some reason, can you DM me an invite here or something?


Can I get a disc inv?


Could j also get an invite?