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We're dangerously close to reaching the $500 goal! (°  o° ; So there's some things i wanted to address!

Additional rewards ideas
Its going so well its genuinely kinda scary, I didn't expect to potentially reach it that soon! So I didnt really have much of an idea of what additional rewards you guys could get, so I wanted to ask you all what you'd like to see once that goal is met! The only thing i had in mind was private streams, but if theres anything else please let me know!

Themed polls?
I was also thinking about making the polls based around a theme, whether it being characters from games, movies, or more specific traits such as "blue haired" and so on, so the suggestions would be limited to that month's theme. Would you guys prefer that? Or do you want the polls to keep being on a free for all format? Said themes would be chosen depending on you guys opinions as well

Potential bonuses

And finally I was thinking of giving out the opportunity to get an extra smaller drawing:
I tend to leave doodles in my files hoping that people would get to see them lol:

So it gave me an idea of doing some sort of easter egg hunting with them! Maybe once or twice a month ill post one of said doodles for you to dig through the files and find, whoever catches it first gets a simple flat color drawing of a character of their choosing! It'd be available for everyone pledging $5 or more since that gives you access to the files
if this idea sounds fun to you please let me know! If there's enough demand i'll start incorporating it next month 

Thanks for reading and for your support!! It means the world to me, apologies if I thank you all a lot haha


Shark Wizard

The themed polls idea sounds pretty good, it'd keep each poll feeling fresh and minimize repeats. And the idea of having a scavenger hunt for doodles seems like fun.

Miguel Lopez

I think the scavenger hunt would be interesting!


I like the scavenger hunt idea! And themed polls would be cool!


Free for all format also notice me mogysenpai