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Now that things are settled I wanna adress how things will be tackled this month!

Besides the poll illustration rewards, personal drawings might be a bit slow to come out, since I'm still finishing off my commissions queue, so my focus will be mainly on that for the rest of the month, if clients allow me to I'll be sharing the full sizes over here as well!

As for projects to look forward to, there's a couple of comics in the works! First one being a small 3 pages one, featuring Krea and other characters you're more used to seeing; it was part of a project that at this rate is most likely going to fail, so I figured it'd be a waste and share it over here instead! 

Due to the nature of said project it's entirely in black and white, but I'd like to color it! Monochrome on digital isn't my forte lol, if I could ink it by hand that'd be another story.

The next one is way more ambitious, about 30 pages but focuses on a mostly entirely different cast of characters, a much more light hearted tone in comparison to my last comic as well. It's been a long time in the making but it's always being held down by having to put most of my attention on commission work.

I don't wanna give out too much of this one just yet. The whole thing is already drafted out, so if you're really curious about the rest you can read it over here! 

And finally thank you guys a ton for the support over here! It was extremely overwhelming, but it makes me very happy to know that working on my stuff full time could be a possibility now!!
It's always bittersweet when people ask to see more of my characters or when I'm doing more comics and stuff, it makes me happy to know that people are interested in my ideas, but it always goes back to "I'll do it someday/when I have the time/after I finish this set of commissions/ etc. etc.", I'm glad to now finally have the chance to be able to focus on that a bit more! Your support means the world to me.

Thank you again!! I'll do my best



Im really happy whenever i can see your work especially your ocs / og work but take your time i doubt anyone will run away, its understandable that commissions take some time to create especially since the customer is also involved, and eitherway your art is absolutely amazing 💖💕💖💕


thank you i really appreciate it! But don't worry, I posted this mainly because I wanna be as transparent as possible with all this! I won't be rushing things