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Hi, everyone :) It's been a while since we had a chat. I'd like to explain the reason for my absence and my plans for the rest of the year.

TL;DR: I'll be returning to posting art here on Patreon from September onward. However, Patreon billing will be paused indefinitely (starting now) until I feel like my art quality is back to my previous standard. Until then, you'll be able to access all the stuff I post on Patreon free of charge, but expect a smaller output as I'm going to work more on commissions and YCHs to balance the impact on my income.

The long story: In case you'd like to know more, here is a more detailed explanation, which I'm writing for full transparency.

These past months, I've been caught up in some very ugly, very sad family issues surrounding the end-of-life care of my elderly grandpa. Lots of heavy words were said, bridges were burned, and all in all, I was left very empty and defeated. In the middle of all of this, despite how much I wanted to, I just couldn't bring myself to draw horny art. As the weeks passed, I forced myself to at least draw SFW pictures, but somehow my skills degraded to an embarrassing level, and through an impulsive decision, I discarded all of them.

I'm not really sure why I lost so much of my drawing skills. Maybe there was a psychological block preventing me from finding comfort in something I loved during a moment of grief and tension. I fell in a very unhealthy self-deprecating cycle and isolated myself from my friends and most of my family, and my uploads here on Patreon became nonexistent. For that, I really apologize. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this period of crisis.

The important news is: the situation with my family has been resolved, forever. But while I'm excited to move on towards a brighter future, I still feel so weak and exhausted from this ordeal. For this reason, I'm going to approach a return to "normal" a little bit at a time. I'm going to focus on long overdue art and on studies, with the aim of hopefully restoring my drawing skills to the level they were before this crisis. Since I don't feel comfortable charging you for low quality work after this long period of absence, I will pause Patreon billing until I feel like I've recovered my abilities. I'll still post what I draw here to keep you updated, and if things go well, I hope to be able to resume monthly events and rewards through this period as well. However, (and I understand this is frustrating) I'm also going to downsize my output a bit and focus more attention on commissions and YCHs in order to soften the impact on my income.

All in all, I'd like to thank you a thousand times for your patience and kindness. Thank you if you decided to remain subscribed despite the lack of updates (I promise it won't happen again.) Thank you to everyone who sent in a message, or a fun meme, or even just a heart emoji to show their support! I'm not sure what the future will hold, but I will do my best to give back to all of you, who waited so patiently during this awful couple months. I hope you'll enjoy coming along for the ride!

I leave you with this little portrait of Aura, which is the first horny art piece I've been able to draw after all this mess, and I hope to be able to talk again to you very soon :)




Sorry for everything you’re going through. You have our love and support. Hope things get better soon. PS: Aura is the best!


Such a crisis is definitely exhausting but i'm really glad and relieved to hear that you can start look forward 😊 I wish you nothing but the best! Take your time and don't worry cuz you will always have love and support in us ❤️❤️❤️


If that Aura picture is anything to go by you'll be back to your regular art style in no time :)

James Lovelace

The most important thing is that you're okay! Got to look after yourself and we're all here to support you!


I'll echo everyone else. Do what you need to do. Backing you was never a "Oh god, i need their art to be delivered constantly" but instead a "I like their art style and want to support them." Stress can do horrible things to us including blunting our abilities, but they'll come back, and we'll support you while they do.


I'm happy to hear from you, so sorry that you had to have such a tough experience. Take all the time you need, we'll be here whenever you need support!

Zero Fox

I’m sorry you had to go through all of this! Please continue to take care of yourself! Glad to hear from you though! We’re always here for you! Sending Hugs! ❤️