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Reed and his roommate Willow share some intimate secrets during a lonely night.

Part 2 coming next week, if everything goes well!

About Willow: This fluffy creature is one of Reed's two roommates. Willow smells like cake, is very soft spoken and chill, and is unexpectedly kinky in the right circumstances. They use all pronouns, but are slightly more comfy being referred to in a more masculine way. You might have noticed that their fur pattern looks a bit unusual for a rat, and that's because it reflects the fact that they're very unsure of who they are in this moment of their life. However, instead of letting that uncertainty bring them down, Willow has accepted it as a part of themselves, and is just kinda rolling with it! 




Oh my gosh Reed looks SO GOOD, the tummy in that first panel is so lovely. I also really like Willow's design! The pubes being a little long / messy like their hair is a cute touch :3c you always do such a good job with character design. Looking forward to seeing part two!!


Thank you so much! I've been meaning to have a hairier character in my cast since... forever!! Pubes are really fun to draw :)


omfg I was thinking to myself "damn Reeds got good taste in tags" then I looked closer at the screen and lost it lmaooo


Haha I’m so glad you found that little detail! I thought it was pretty hard to spot :p

Zephy Foxy



Tehe, love the video of the little swimmers finding the egg, what a turn on ^////^