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I'm currently working on the last few pages of 7:02 AM, which I plan of finishing this month!!

As I'm drafting the last part of Percy and Jord's little morning story, I can't help but be a bit worried about the efficiency of my work. So I thought I'd ask for your advice!

Doing comics is incredibly fun, but making full colored traditional comic is extremely time consuming. While I think minicomics can be a great way of telling smaller stories, I still want to tackle bigger ideas every once in a while. 

I thought it might help a lot if I did my comics in a black and white or grayscale format. I could make projects of a much bigger scope (around 40 or 50 pages instead of 15) and put out more frequent updates. 

I'd also be excited to try a visual novel style project. It would be very interesting to put together a longer story in this format, and I could publish the illustrations here on Patreon as an early access perk! 

Does any of that sound interesting to you? Or do you find my current formats more interesting? 

Feel free to write down any other ideas in the comments too!



Greyscale is great when you want to write something a little more lengthy, but nothing beats a full color illustration. A lot of comic illustrators, as I'm sure you know, will do the majority of their work in greyscale or plain black and white and then do covers or the first page of a chapter in color. That would be my suggestion. But it's your world. Just do whatever makes you happy and I'm sure your fans will love it.


I want to say it really depends on you! Minicomics are great in full color, and I absolutely love seeing them, but if you find a story that you want to expand on, I would not mind at all seeing a longer grayscale comic. I would like to hear more about the VN idea, but that sounds great too!


Whatever makes your workload feel sustainable! Color is great, but not if it's at the cost of your interest in the work. Maybe take the bigger projects on in black and white and the smaller ones in color?


I didn't expect this would be split so much down the middle! Since a lot of folks like the current way I do comics, I'll keep going without changing the formula. That being said, I will experiment a big with smaller B/W projects for stories that maybe are a bit more intimate or introspective. They just won't be the main project I work on! Same goes with visual novel stuff, which I might experiment with in my free time instead of making it a main focus. Thank you so much for voting!! I feel like I have a much clearer version of what I want to do now!


I love working in color! It's just a matter of being more efficient with it. But I definitely see what you mean!


Even if I decide to do some b/w stuff, I promise I I'll keep the majority of my work in color. It's one of my favorite things to do!


I decided I'm gonna work a bit on that VN idea in my free time, but won't make it the main focus of my Patreon. Expect to see something later this year! :)