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Hey everyone!

I am pleased to write that the revised Wandering Blades quickstart guide is ready! In this version of the quickstart, you will find the following elements of the game:

  • Character creation basics
  • The youxia class
  • Basic mechanics
  • Combat mechanics
  • An example of play

This is by no means a complete product, but it is enough for you to get a clear sense of the direction Drew and I are taking with the game. I will be flying out to Japan with my partner in a week, so I may be incommunicado until the beginning of February. Despite that, know that I will be working on the next series of additions to the quickstart!

I wanted to give you folks early access to the quickstart before I make the document available on my Itch page. Once it's available there, I will be sure to write an update with a link so you can access it from your Itch account (if you have one).

As always, I will be posting design updates, dev videos, and more on this page long before they are made public. Thank you for sticking with me on this journey! I am so excited for the future of this game and hope you enjoy this process as much as I am!

For any feedback, feel free to use the wandering-blades-feedback channel on my Discord server! Drew also has access and will be responding to anything posted there when I am in Japan.

- Daniel

*1/10/2024 update: I've added a small section under "Reactions" to include rules for spending qi towards additional reactions after the first per round.


Toni Kraja

super awesome!

Toni Kraja

briefly read it only yet - but already told my ttrpg developer friends that I would like to have a playtest with them =)

Jeremy Blum

Bruh "Jeremy was very lucky to score that critical hit and cause his opponent’s morale to break." That's just how I live my life


Amazing! I really hope you folks enjoy it! I'd love to hear any feedback that you have! I really have to figure out character sheet design.


An OSR game in which combat is actually cool, fun, and tactical?! Yes please! Love the direction this is going! Bravo Daniel and Drew!


Thank you so much - we're glad you like the direction the game is taking! We really wanted to make sure that characters could survive the dangers of the world using their martial skills AND cunning!