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As a follow-up to my previous post about the royal family of my campaign setting, here is a breakdown about the court advisors!


The title of Duke is reserved for elder relatives of the royal family, members of the central government, and distinguished individuals appointed by the regent of the Land of Blades. The highest ranking of the dukes are considered the Four Blades of the Court, are granted special titles, masterfully crafted blades, and serve as royal advisors to the royal family. They are responsible for upholding the decrees laid down by the ruling monarch of Yue (either the Paragon of Blades or High Queen of Blades) and attending to matters related to commerce, trade, military, and the governance of the Land of Blades.

Duke of the Luminous Foundry

The Duke of the Luminous Foundry is the keeper of the imperial scales and overseer of the namesake Luminous Foundry - a secure workshop located in the administrative heart of the Yue capital city that exclusively mints all of the dynasty’s currency. They also have a profound influence on matters of trade and often travel to distant borderlands and allied nations to act on behalf of the court. The Duke of the Luminous Foundry wields a ceremonial dagger Fortune’s Call as a symbol of their position in the court.

Muyang the Resplendent

Before being appointed Duke of the Luminous Foundry, Muyang was one of the most powerful and ruthless business owners in the southern mercantile city of Hekou specializing in the procurement of precious raw materials. Through perseverance and a meticulously crafted intelligence network, he was able to stay one step ahead of the competition. Seeing value in his connections and business acumen, King Yichen appointed Muyang to the title of duke. Much to the irritation of the other high-ranking dukes, Muyang was allowed to maintain control over the operation of his businesses while simultaneously holding a court title.

Appearance: Excessive and luxurious. Is never seen without private guards.

Voice: Squeaky and authoritative.

Morality: Calculating and ruthless.

Motivations: The wealth of the dynasty ensures their status and the continued prosperity of his businesses.

Secrets: Due to a gambling problem, Muyang has found himself indebted to a foreign agent.

Duke of the Butterfly Pavilion

The Duke of the Butterfly Pavilion is a title granted to only the most masterful and renowned artist in the Land of Blades. They are responsible for overseeing imperial construction, infrastructure, and the provisioning of labour related to the construction of monumental architecture and grand works of imperial art. From their private headquarters known as the Butterfly Pavilion in the picturesque Jade Highlands to the west of the Yue capital, this duke also functions as a court trend setter and broker of fine artifacts - commanding a large team of artists and engineers. As a symbol of their status, the Duke of the Butterfly Pavilion carries a dagger called Revelation.

Yaqin the Jade Sage

The current Duke of the Butterfly Pavilion is Yaqin the Jade Sage. Yaqin was born into a prosperous family. Despite her noble upbringing, she maintained a humble mindset and developed a reputation for committing to diligent practice. She is famed for her dynamic and picturesque paintings depicting heroes engaging in martial deeds worthy of legend. It is that that becoming the subject of one of Yaqin’s works marks the pinnacle of one’s heroic achievements.

Appearance: Elegant and reserved. Prefers to dress incognito when traveling for inspiration.

Voice: Flowery and poetic.

Morality: Selfish and often seeks praise.

Motivations: Longs to find a new heroic muse for her next masterpiece.

Secrets: Yaqin has long been in a creative slump and fears that her position as the Duke of the Butterfly Pavilion is in jeopardy.

Duke of the Tranquil House

The Duke of the Tranquil House serves as the chief judge for the Yue Dynasty and commands the Tranquil Silk Guard - the secret police for the court. The bearer of this title suggests reforms to imperial edicts and can sentence criminals and political rebels to death without the ruling of the royal family. The Duke of the Tranquil House command their force from the namesake base of operations hidden beneath Castle Haiyun, the primary residence of the royal family. They also wield Heart Seeker - an ornate jian with a blade magically polished to reflect the truth within a person’s heart.

Jing the Decapitator

Jing the Decapitator is the most feared judge and talented executioner in the Land of Blades. Her position as Duke of the Tranquil House is a true example from rising from nothing to achieve great power. Born to a poor family, Jing sought a better life by enlisting in the Celestial Banner when she was of age. Her exceptional skills with a blade and loyalty to the dynasty caught the attention of King Yichen when he held the title of Crowned Prince of the Azure Lowlands. At his insistence, Jing was selected to be a member of the Tranquil Silk Guard, and trained to be an assassin and enforcer for the Court. Upon his ascension, Yichen appointed her Duke of the Tranquil House.

Appearance: Stoic. Wears fine, snow white clothing that, despite her profession, is somehow never stained with blood.

Voice: Low and monotonous.

Morality: Righteous and dogmatic in her commitment to justice.

Motivations: To serve King Yichen.

Secrets: Jing has no known vices or weaknesses that can be exploited.

Duke of the Vermillion Hills

The Duke of the Vermillion Hills oversees the imperial armed forces of Yue: the Celestial Banner and the Moon Dragon Corps. This position on the Cloud Council is the only one guaranteed to a single noble family. It is a hereditary title granted to the leader of the Clan of a Thousand Swords, one of the noble families who fought alongside the great hero Xing (the founder of the Yue Dynasty) during the Great War Under Heaven. While they were largely wiped out by the Eternal Flame Emperor’s forces, the first King of Yue declared that their surviving generations would forever have an honourable place in the affairs of the Land of Blades. Subordinate to the King of Yue, the Duke of the Vermillion Hills has a lifelong right to their title, governorship of the Vermillion Hills, and leads all matters related to the Yue military. They are also bestowed with an heirloom blade (a horse-chopping sabre) famed for its unusual red colour, Crimson Steward, as a symbol of their authority.

Ming of the Thousand Swords Clan

The current Duke of the Vermillion Hills, Ming of the Thousand Swords is known throughout the Radiant Lands as the Tiger of the East. He earned his moniker during the legendary “Night of Crimson Rain” - where he single handedly slew a over a dozen foreign assassins in defence of the queen regent, Yanmei. Ming recently played a significant role in leading the construction of new fortresses throughout the Yue dynasty’s western border in the Jade Highlands.

Appearance: big, well-kept beard, rugged (yet fine) military garb, and never seen without his heirloom blade named Crimson Steward.

Voice: Loud and bold.

Morality: Ambitious and extremely loyal to his family.

Motivations: Enhancing the reputation of his family through glorious achievements.

Secrets: Resents the fact that his family will never rule the Land of Blades despite their historical sacrifice during the Great War Under Heaven.


Toni Kraja

your ideas are always fantastic!