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For my creative output and mental health. 

I want to apologize to you folks for not having put anything out this month. I really thought I would get my shit together now that things have settled with family medical issues, but I guess I'm just creatively crashing. I've been supporting my partner for the past couple of months and it's been difficult to ask for help when all you've been doing is helping everyone around you. 

I've been disengaged from TTRPG work apart from a handful of consulting projects and while I've made significant strides in my campaign setting, it's been hard to lay anything out given that the scope of work is much larger than Paradise Mountain. 

I set an end of month goal of re-doing the layouts for my early zines so that they aesthetically match Paradise Mountain. It's a small, but achievable goal!

Layouts are looking great so far!

- Daniel


Justin Mohareb

Thanks for the update, Daniel. Take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you're ready to share more stuff with us.


Daniel, I am sorry you are struggling. I can only speak for myself, but I am supporting you on this site because I like you and the work you are doing, not because I expect a certain amount of "production" a month. Please take care of yourself and your family first and worry about "getting stuff out" as you can. After all, the product will be better if you feel good about making it than if you feel pressured.


Thanks so much Justin. No joke, I think about you every time I'm by PG Clucks in Little Italy!


I appreciate that Peter! I also want to make sure I hold myself accountable to as much creative work as I possibly can!