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CW: spiders, violence, horror, gore

Agatha, one of my co-hosts on Asians Represent, suggested that I try playing a solo journaling RPG. I tried The Wretched by Chris Bissette! Normally, this game is meant to be played with a microphone. But, I thought it'd be a really cool writing experiment to share with you fine Patrons! I had a BLAST and will definitely be trying more of these. Maybe make a video for Anything But D&D...

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Game start.

Day 1, salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. The other members of the crew are dead and the engines remain non-operational, though ship integrity remains good and life support systems are still active. I successfully jettisoned the intruder from the airlock, but it remains alive and continues to try to access the ship. With a little luck, I can repair the distress beacon and somebody will pick me up. This is Baghoto Iirkuxum, the last survivor of the Wretched, signing off.

Die roll: 5

Jenga pulls: 1 (but an additional piece fell)

Day 2, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. I've been moving any supplies I can from the Mess Hall to the bridge. That...thing left too much of a mess in there for me to stomach preparing food surrounded by the carnage. Normally, a task like this would've taken at least three crew members, but the gravity drives have been failing since that small asteroid struck the ship. This made moving that fucking tank of a refrigeration unit a breeze! The only problem was the floating...mess. As I was disconnecting the refrigeration unit, I couldn't sworn I saw something move amongst the bodies. I won't lie, I panicked, I unloaded the magazine from Velasquez's auto-rifle into the bodies. Whatever I thought I saw there was definitely gone. I'm ashamed of what I did with the bodies, but hey, it's just me here. I'll probably pay for this in my next life.

It feels strange having food and water available on the bridge. It's like I'm in one of those long hauler vessels - the ones with a survival cabin adjacent to the bridge. It's like the rest of The Wretched doesn't exist. I kind of like it that way. I've gotta say though, the water has a strange taste to it, maybe something got into the urine purifiers.

Iirkuxum, signing off.

Dice roll: 1

Jenga pulls: 0

Day 3, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. I woke up today extremely fatigued from yesterday's tasks. I probably should've had more water, but that fucking taste...I'll have to check out the purifier systems soon. Macpherson kept that unit in fantastic shape. Now he's gone. That selfless prick thought he could save the officers. Took the flame thrower and left us with the autorifles. Well, at least that gave us time to secure the armoury...

Does that make me an asshole? Fuck it, I'm alive and he isn't. I'll have a nutrition brick and try to sleep this shit off. Tomorrow, I'll be more productive.

Iirkuxum, signing off.

Dice roll: 2

Jenga pulls: 0

Day 4, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. I went to work on the purifier system and found a bulkhead that had been pried open. It's back. That fucker somehow made it back onto The Wretched. I managed to hide in one of the supply lockers, but the sound...so many legs...

After an hour in the locker, I managed to sneak back to the bridge. Based on the sounds and the available cameras, that thing seems to be building something in the aft of the ship...

I found Smith's tablet in the locker, but password protected.

Iirkuxum out.

Dice roll: 6

Jenga pulls: 0

Distress beacon tokens: 10 (remove all and help arrives)

Day 5, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. I didn't sleep as much last cycle. The fire suppression system was triggered last night. Systems show that it was in the midship - portside. I think I've lost medical. Based on what I've seen so far, I think Piggy might've done this intentionally. Oh I've started calling it "Piggy". Planetside, I remember watching a video on ancient arthropods on earth called Amblypygi...this thing looks just like them. Only 8 feet tall and face spikes that can impale a person.

If the Piggy was able to enter the purification systems at the aft of the ship yesterday, that means I didn't manage to properly seal the airlock it was jettisoned from.


On the bright side, I finally managed to repair and activate the distress beacon on the bridge! Now I just need to hold out until help arrives. Since I got comms in some sort of working state, I've managed to hear indistinct chatter. I wonder what they're saying. I'd be fine with pirates!

Oh, and Smith, I figured out your password. 696969 isn't all that creative.

What am I saying...Smith's dead.

We were supposed to grab a meal when we reached the Belt. I should've asked them out last job we had...

*end recording*

Dice roll: 2

Jenga pulls: 0

Distress beacon tokens: 10 (remove all and help arrives)

Day 6, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Baghoto Iirkuxum reporting. I couldn't sleep again. I kept thinking about that preacher we met at port before this job began. He kept saying that "blackthorn was shrouded in web".

So I just watched this...thing. It's fast - really fast. It doesn't seem to have noticed the cameras...or at least it doesn't care about them.

Iirkuxum out.

Dice roll: 2

Jenga pulls: 0

Distress beacon tokens: 10 (remove all and help arrives)

Day 7. It's been a week. This fucker managed to jam up the oxygen system with some sort of organic adhesive. I had to use a vibro-blade to cut it all out from the vents. Had to use Captain Blackthorn's ID to cut through the science unit. There was some sort of rotten pod in there. Smelled like death. I'm sure I missed some spots on the vents, but I didn't want to be outside of the bridge for too long.

Piggy seems to understand that I breath oxygen. It's smart.

Iirkuxum out.

Game end.

Baghoto Iirkuxum died the next day. Sleep deprivation and curiosity got the best of him as the creature, a massive whip spider, ambushed him.


Michael Lawrence Senchuk

Might want to give 1000 Year Old Vampire a try; I've only done a couple, but sounds kind of similar, in that it's a journaling game that follows the life of a vampire. It can get kind of dark, but it's also pretty cool. I'm writing as if the vampire's in my D&D homebrew world, so I might very well end up with some vampires that have some pretty cool backstories.