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Hi everyone,
It's been just under two weeks since my last post. I've been quietly working on both the Bureau of Paranatural Defence and Chronicles of Spring & Autumn. I've also been struggling with some pretty intense depression. A re-structuring of the company I work for resulted in me being put in a situation where I've become very dissatisfied with my working conditions and am actively seeking new job opportunities to move onto. Things have been hard. I don't feel respected in my professional life and that has taken a toll on my health. I haven't been sleeping very well, my moods have been all over the place, and I haven't been taking care of my health. I'm at a point where I need to focus on changing day jobs to protect my long-term health. 
Luckily, gaming and creating have helped as an anchor to keep me from spiraling too far. I've been working hard to keep up my media commitments with Asians Represent, but have had a hard time focusing on my independent work. Thankfully, this I finished up edits on a major project I've been working on. This has afforded me some cognitive breathing room. My goal for 2021 is to have a working draft of every section I plan to write for CSA and a system and introduction adventure materials for BPS. Both will hopefully be released in zine format in 2022, with CSA going to Zine Quest that year. 
With all that said and done, I want to thank all of you for your support. This Patreon has helped me immensely - both as a form of encouragement and as a financial support for me as I go through this professional transition. Every dollar I've made from Patreon is going back into the projects I release here and occasionally puts food on my table. 
Your support means so much to me and I'm very grateful for it.
- Daniel



Daniel, I am sorry to hear you are going through that. It's a bad situation at the best of times, and COVID is just making everything a lot worse. Every stress is multiplied. So, for whatever it's worth, you have my sypathy and best wishes.


Maybe you will be amused by this: I am an academic librarian, and I was in a meeting with a bunch of librarians talking about EDI issues, and one of the attendees was from Canada, and we were talking about ways other than schooling to learn about racism and antiracist efforts, and I leaned over and pulled Ross Rifles off my bookshelf and said, "funny you should ask, but..." Another librarian got really excited by the idea of the game, so you've had a bit more impact.


Whoa! Thanks! Regarding your BPS comment, I've actually been working hard on figuring out a rule set for it! I'm planning on releasing that as a one pager alongside session documents!