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Weird to say, eh? 

The past few months have seen me super active on this platform. However, over the past two weeks I had dropped off a bit. Why? Burnout.

Two factors have contributed to this. From March to August, I was supporting my partner as she was looking for a new job. Now that she has one, I've been doing a lot of the heavy lifting around our home to support her as she gets used to working full time again. Since July, my day job responsibilities have changed dramatically - I now end most days emotionally and intellectually drained. That being said, all of my TTRPG energy (of which there is little) is being directed at keeping Asians Represent going as our fan base grows. 

Oddly enough, I've managed to stay creative over the past few weeks by doing something I never thought I'd get back into: painting miniatures, specifically demons of Nurgle! Painting has been a wonderful way for me to disconnect from screens and get creative in a different way! It's been SO FUN painting these gross little demons. I love them so much and hope that one day, I can use them in an in-person game - especially for Dungeons & Da Asians!

I'm also making slow progress on Chronicles of Spring & Autumn. I recently reached out to a scholar in the States about getting chapters of her VERY difficult to find book (they retail for $200 USD!). She got back to me and enthusiastically sent me some manuscripts! This has been so helpful, as I've been working with only scraps of academic information up until this point on my next zine for you folks...Relics of Old Master Yezi


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