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Another preview of a creature featured in Denizens of Mountains & Seas vol. 2! If there was anything in China that resembles a griffon, it's the gudiao or poison-eagle! 

Gudiao are carnivorous beasts resembling giant eagles with a single horn on its head. In some versions of the Shanhaijing, gudiao are depicted as wildcats with the head of a horned eagle*. Despite its avian features, Han Dynasty scholar and esoteric master Dongfang Shuo characterized gudiao as beasts rather than birds in his classic text the Shenyijing (Classic on Divine Marvels or Classic of Gods and Wonders). This was based on descriptions of its physical power and malevolence. 

Descriptors: predatory, aggressive, powerful, tenacious

Frequency: rare

Size: large

Number Appearing: 1-2 (bonded pair)

Alignment: chaotic (will actively hunt adventurers)

Movement: 40 ft. (quadrupedal variety), 60 ft. (flying variety)

Armour Class: 14

Resistances: none

HD/HP: 7/30

Attacks: 2 x talon

To Hit: +5

Damage: Talon (1d6)

Special Attacks: Rend

Morale: 8

Treasure Type: E (~2,300 gp worth of coins, jewelry, magic items, and weapons from poachers and adventurers) 

*As depictions of gudiao differ in Chinese classical texts and art, I have offered two movement options for either the quadrupedal or airborne versions. 

Rend. When a gudiao makes two successful talon attacks, it can make an extra bite attack (+5) with its beak and tear into the target for 2d8 damage. 

Territorial. Gudiao are extremely territorial creatures and often build their nests in mountainous regions near rivers. They will attack if approached. When defending a nest, gudiao do not make morale checks.

---------- Thanks for joining me on this journey!----------

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Remember, Champion-tier Patrons get access to the final PDF releases of my design work! If you are interested in getting a copy of Denizens of Mountains & Seas vol. 1 consider upgrading your subscription here or purchasing it directly at  https://danielhkwan.itch.io/denizens 


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