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I'm so humbled and excited that the Asians Represent! podcast has been nominated for a 2019 ENnie Award in the "Best Podcast" category! I found out this morning when a wave of notifications flooded my smartwatch. After combing through my Twitter notifications and realizing the amazing news, I spent most of my afternoon in shock.

We did it.

Less than a year ago, Agatha and I set out to create a podcast that would not only highlight the contributions of creators from the broader Asian community, but also touch on issues we face in a predominantly white industry. Now with this nomination, we've not only proven that we are here, but that our voice is loud.

We have a lot to say.

This nomination is proof that we deserve space in this industry. Decades of reductionist content, stereotypical depictions, and racist encounters at gaming tables need to end. We are trying to lead a movement towards a more inclusive industry. This is the first step.

A special shout out goes to our fellow nominees She's a Super Geek, Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, Plot Points, and Red Moon Roleplaying. It's an honour to have been nominated alongside them.   

Check out the full list of nominations here -  http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/2019-ennie-nominations/ 


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