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Here it is, our first "playtest" of Direct Action. It was a success! Well, sort of. We found a lot of things that needed fixing or adding in the basic structure of the system. This is why playtesting is so important!

We decided to leave the situation on a cliff hanger, so that we can finish the scenario using updated character sheets with gear, talents, etc.

Follow Angus on Twitter @ThePrimeAngus

What do you think?





I really enjoyed it! I'm working on a Blades in the Dark hack about PMCs so this is right up my alley. I think your use of tags to accommodate gear was pretty great, especially since gear is such an integral part of most modern military stories. I'm very excited to see more, especially how you handle the non-combat aspects and psychological effects of warfare.


Thanks so much! We're working on the non-combat aspects of the game. The overall product can go in two directions: a short Lady Blackbird-esque package, or a full-fledged book.


Yup! The idea would be to release an affordable core book, and then highly detailed mission packs after!