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One of the things I've always struggled with is my ability to focus. Back when I started working on my PhD, my physician prescribed my with ADHD medication. I took that for a while, but ultimately stopped because I honestly felt like it made me slower and unproductive. Since then, I've developed my own means of dealing with the way my brain works.

The answer? Dive into many projects. People often comment on the sheer quantity of content I'm able to produce. Literally working on multiple projects is how I get everything done! That way, when my focus begins to shift in an unproductive direction on one, I move onto another. The cycle continues until everything's finished. 

So here's what I'm working on creatively:

1) The Asians Represent! podcast - main show, Masks actual play, and our bonus episodes. I serve as a co-host, cast member, and producer for the series. I edit and upload every episode, as well as handle the social media (Twitter & Facebook). Jayd handles the Instagram.

2) I'm currently beginning production on the 7th season (episodes 61-70) of my independent podcast Curiosity in Focus

3) ROSS RIFLES - we're launching the Kickstarter mid-October. You heard it here first!

4) Wolf of the South - a D&D 5E adventure I wrote. We're currently in the middle of edits. I need to do layout and illustrate a new map. 

5) This Lonely Town - a system agnostic adventure I'm co-authoring with Angus Macpherson.

6) Room/Mates - my Terrace House one page RPG. I'm going to be releasing my earliest build on this page this week. So stay tuned for that. I've yet to test it myself, so I'm eager for feedback from everyone. 

7) Direct Action - a military RPG Angus and I are working on. It's system was inspired by the Year Zero engine, Apocalypse World, and video games like The Division and Rainbow Six Siege. Thematically, it'll be a blend of Tom Clancy and Michael Bay!

I make weekly progress on pretty much all of these projects thanks to the way my brain works. I think it's pretty cool considering I have to work around my new job :)

Now here's something I've been struggling with - I think I might be dyslexic. As a part of my job, I'm able to get certifications in technology education. A module I was doing was centered around dyslexia, and after working my way through it and completing some recommended self-diagnoses, there's a chance I might be moderately dyslexic. This honestly explains so much, but I'm still seeking a proper clinical diagnosis. I'm just waiting until next month when my benefits kick in. More on this later.

I'll end this post with some free tools I've found incredibly useful for my own productivity. Try them out if you aren't already using them!

1) Google Docs for collaboration

2) Taskade for project management (I now use the paid version, but the free one is incredible on its own). 

3) OneNote for individual work

4) Discord for communication

- Daniel


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