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The animation is complete! Hana is the best gift for Christmas!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for 2024, with lots of luck, health and your wishes to come true! ❤️

See you all in a week!

Happy Holidays!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Links have been renewed and you can find the new "stuff" on the Archive Folders!

* If a link doesn't work, or a folder is empty or missing something (the number of files containing every folder is displayed on the brackets [ ] on the right side of each folder name), please contact me here or on discord so I can fix it.

Enjoy! 💖




Hope you had a great Christmas too! Hana really is the best Christmas gift! 😍 Awesome work on this animation! Also really cool that you ended up using ColonelYobo's OW2 Dva model. Hopefully next time you use it for an animation we'll get to see some Dva feet action too 😏


Thank you! I had a good time! I liked Yobo’s model but their rig is way too crowded. Nonetheless, I got the hang of it after a while. I’m thinking of implementing a similar system for feet wrinkles like this one on my models. 😏 Also I’ve been thinking that I haven’t done a foot animation in a while. Maybe new years animation is good time for one with many girls!!!