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The girls are waiting for you! 😏

Took me a bit to prepare 5 models but it was worth it! I've also added the "gameplay" image I've made with Samus as a small bonus (Ik there are 61 images in the folder, it triggers me as much as you)!

Right now I'm working on the next animation which will be featuring Tifa I'll post tomorrow some WiPs and a poll to help me choose between Cycles/Eevee on this animation.

Back to work...see yaa! 😘

Links have been renewed and you can find the new "stuff" on the Archive Folders!

* If a link doesn't work, or a folder is empty or missing something (the number of files containing every folder is displayed on the brackets [ ] on the right side of each folder name), please contact me here or on discord so I can fix it.

Enjoy! 💖
