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Okay guys! Here is last of the rewards i had to finish up! John and miss cherry! http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/266/d/d/140923john_cherry1_by_shiin_s-d80avvc.jpg I also had 2 sketches that that have been just lying around, I figured its better to post them then trying to remember to color them and then just forget about them ^^ It can be relaxing to just sketch sometimes. Penny streaming, a bit more softcore, I have been planing to get everyother pic more softcore-ish when it comes to velvet city, to build up the characters and put them in amusing situation, thoughts? http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/266/a/9/140923penny_gaming_by_shiin_s-d80avwa.jpg Robb and Julia, her using Robb as a model for class, almost. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/266/1/6/140923robb_julia_by_shiin_s-d80avxb.jpg Lastly I was thinking about a classic naruto/hinata pic for reward next month, but I'm not sure how people feel about that, I know some like it, and some don't, we can't please everyone every month i guess, but I figured we should make a poll about itI will try to your humble servant, I know this is a pairing that has been fairly popular in the past when i have drawn it :D http://strawpoll.me/2634267 I was thinking either way some of the bigger series this month. (as usuall feel free to leave a suggestion) I have started sketching on some of the requests that was made in the 10$+ partron thread. I will not reply in that thread unless you have a question or something, I just look at the requests : ) Very happy to see a couple of velvet city ideas! Comment and stay awesome! /shiin



I would like to see Konohamaru and Sakura and Tenten, would like to see these characters in scenes of anal. And also like to see the girls in scenes teaser Ex: training and showing her curves.


colors/shading in john+ms cherry is very well done. robb and julia, good pose+story. penny is great. great stuff as usual. always happy to see more velvet city.


Oh man, real lovely update today :D the Miss Cherry pic is great, her rack looks amazing in the first panel, and the second's got a wonderful butt on her :D Penny's tits look AWESOME in her pic, I'm surprised she only has 328 viewers, I'd definitely tune in XD more slice-of-life-esque pics sounds good :) Robb and Julia's pic is real hot, especially the way her ass has his boner throbbing in it :D I wouldn't mind a naruto/hinata pic, I'm sure whatever you do would be great, so I've got no strong feeling one way or the other. I'm not sure what you mean by the bigger series? Good to hear you're starting some sketching, hope you're doing good and stay awesome Shiin :D


again, great stuff, if you draw velvet city strips without color, I don't mind. So long as there's actual pics. Awesome work, keep it up!


You cannot go wrong with Hinata/Naruto, other characters are fine, but a "Classic" is ok for an exclusive, at least in my opinion. Great Update indeed, Penny picture open a world of possibilities on sexy, slice of life pictures, so is a great picture wich open many possibilities. The Miss Cherruy picture was great, I loved the situation, and of course the picture was awesome, is almost a small strip. Robb and Julia of course was cool as well, I was unsure of the "remake" on Julia appearance at first, but that butt prove that you do the best for the character. It was an all Velvet City Update, this really made my day ^^


AH! Lovely all around! Even for your usual output I quite like these! As for "bigger series: I assume you mean the more popular or well known ones? Digimon would be nice, or Evangeion. It's also been a while since we've seen a Pokemon image. Jessie from team rocket perhaps?


Ah, yeah I might include those character in future pics : ) and yeah, teaser scenes are good!


thank you, glad you like it, and always extra glad to hear people enjoy VC ^^


Her viewer count will probably increase as time goes on :D and slice-of-life is a good way to put it i guess ^^ Glad you like the robb pic, I think julia might be in trouble as soon as she hangs up ;D Oh i should have written more popular series, english not first language etc : ) stay awesome man!


thanks! yeah I like to mix it up now and then with some sketches : )


Looks like we are geting some naruto/hinata, but i plan to add some more characters to that pic, I have some ideas, willl post later for people to see so we can decide on which characters it should be : ) And yeah, julia is a butt-girl now :D


ah yeah, more popular would be the correct way to write it ^^ Seems like we have got enough votes for a naruto themed pictures this time, those are 3 good suggestions for rewards, we must keep them in mind for the next reward, I know you got a soft spot for evangelion good sir ;D


which pic would that be? you know we all love inclusive character images!


I do..*sniffle* I do. but naruto is just as fun! we havn't seen ino from shiin in a while!


What do you have in mind when you say more popular series? Like, Evangelion or Pokemon are really popular, but you don't draw much of them, did you have them in mind? Like, did you mean Bleach or Naruto? And hey, your english is good :)


well, just series that pretty well know, but naruto seemed to have enough votes so i figured we would go ahead with that pic this month : )


Next time you do Naruto maybe you can do a friendly competittion between NaruHina and SasuSaku