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Here we go, winner of the commission raffle asked me to draw this, hope you like it my good man : ) I kinda like how it came out. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/261/d/7/140918nar_tsu_by_shiin_s-d7znun5.jpg Leave a comment and stay awesome! /shiin



Haha, it looks like if anyone, it's Tsunade who's endurance is truly being put to the test :D always great seeing her fat ass filled, and she's got such a luscious rack, nice seeing her gagged too :) Awesome work man, hope you're doing good :D


And that is boys and girls the way to get enough endurance to stand the kyuubi chakra. I always knew that konoha had the best training techniques. Very sexy picure, the gag give a whole impression and your Tsunade is epic, thumbs up to you and the requestor ^^


Indeed, can she stand against the power our hero ^^ thanks, working the weekend but other then that i do well ; ) more drawings on monday i hope!


At least the most fun training, i was thinking she might need somwthing to bite down at ^^ thanks!