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First flavor of the month, Tsunade fans will be happy to know one of the other rewards are also a Tsunade picture, and the second flavor is a star wars related picture. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/254/e/e/140911tsurai_by_shiin_s-d7yt21r.jpg Nothing to add today! back to drawing : ) Leave a comment, stay awesome! /shiin



Nothing like diplomacy in action, with this Konoha and Kumo relationship are bound to prosper. ^^ I loved how original was the the pose, the details (her throat)and the color combination was also cool, Great job on this one.


Oh my god this is great, Tsunade's tits look amazing, and it's real hot seeing her get dominated by her hair, and having her throat bulge and her mouth spilling cum :D real great pic, I'll certainly be looking forward to that other Tsunade picture, star wars is an odd choice, I'm looking forward to that :) Stay cool man :D


Oh, you might want to correct "he" to "the" in the pic ^^


jojojo sencillamente maravilloso trabajo shiin, me encanto la pose, adore como dibujaste sus senos, la boca y la corrida, sencillamente gran trabajo.


ooooh i love this pic, and theres another tsunade pic? i hope there are 3 things in this pic. 1: tsunade nude 2: a very very big ass as well as anal banging and 3: a dynamite body :P


amazing! very cool pose, great hair play, and perfect job on the face.


great,and "this is only the beginning" of a HUGE AND SOLID RELASHIONSHIP" haha


Looks great, especially the Detail with Tsunades stuffed Throat ^^


indeed, you give a little you get a little, possible you blow a little you get a little ^^


thanks man, the other one will be our curvy tsunade anal with out well hung naruto : )


thanks man, and yeah I will try to fit all those things into the other pic ^^


very kind :D i figured the hair thing would ad a little something to the pic!


Can't get enough of the "Naruto"-Girls, very excited about the star wars pic too. Great work !!!


glad you like it man :D


err ingore that, was suppose to be a reply, uhm, did i mess this up, I blame a bit of alcohol tonight, night lads!