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Hello gents

I have sketched out the idea for how I will drawJessica/Holli and the artist that will be pulled into their world, that will be in the upcomming comic. I attached the idea in the post and I also made a one piece sketch for today!
I toned down the waist a little in the pic and her legs, something I kinda want to do a little more in the future pics, I'll try to keep it in mind.

As for working on the next comic, I'm thinking maybe color but with more of a cell shaded look. I'll have more for you next wednesday, Possibly the first page will be finished by then but I won't promise anything, I don't want to rush it : ) For friday I was thinking about drawing Alexia, Penny and Robb in a hot tub which was the runner up in the last poll! That's all for now, stay awesome!


Archive for comics things:
password: bigboobs81




The slimmer waist looks awesome, could be a neat thing for the future, pretty nice sketch. Looking forward your comic, i am sure you will choose the best option


Is that cock natural, or does he draw himself a monster fuckstick when he's in the toon world?


Love it when u draw some of my favourite characters of Anime =DDD Well done! I like the smaller waist quite a lot actually =)


Some one piece lovin never hurts


Nice one! The One Piece sketch is a really fine thing, nice pose, I like the hands on her waist. The comic preview is nice too, can't wait to see how that goes. And friday's pic sounds pretty exciting! Stay cool Shiin ^^


To many sketches i feel right now ur busy i get it bro but we pay for progress😁


Thanks, glad you like it, we shall see what happens!


I'm still deciding between having them pull him in a little to roughly and maybe he bangs his head, while he is wondering what's happening they might pull down his pants and he is already huge, or the one you mentioned.


Thanks, glad you like it! yeah I like the slimmer waist to!


Well I mean I did mention that I needed some time of during easter a couple of times in previous posts since I'm not a machine. I wasn't going to post anything during monday but still decided to get a sketch out. I'm starting work on the new Comic now and there is just no way I can get a colored page out till today having posted one last wednesday but decided to get some sketches done at least, maybe I'm just a slow artist. I'm sorry if you feel it's not enough but I have my limits juggling this and private life. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it, drawing is great and I'm thankful some people decide to take some of their earned dollars and throw my way but sometimes a man needs a break. Sorry for the rant and don't worry, friday we will be back to line and color again, thanks!


Thank you ^^ Well comic preview is a strong word, I just needed to work out how I would draw them for this comic. you to man, stay awesome!