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So I've been doing the classic mistake I do, and instead of focusing on one picture I sketch and paint on serveral ones, some gets scrapped and some make it further, adhd brain in the works. Anyway, I figured I'd just say that I'll be focusing on drawing thursday and friday so the next comic page will be up friday at the latest!

I also got a Emma pic in the works, I'm starting sketching on the poll winner and possible a Himawari pic. Stay awesome!





never stress, happens to the best of us. you always deliver the best anyway, so its worth the wait!!

Sarah Peterson

I love love love this little preview!

Debiddo Gibusu

Liam and Ivana have been one of my favorite works so far plz continue stretching that ass for us <333

G mugen64

Hope previews start to become the norm


Liam and Ivana ist my favorite art work, I hope to get moore of this