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Hey guys! Okay, I decided to go with the Eiken option for next months pic that some suggested, sorry for not creating a poll about it! : ) Here is the wip, http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/236/b/4/temp1_by_shiin_s-d7wjnf6.jpg I will clean it up change some stuff possible, add color, add dialogue and make an x-ray version, it will be sent out to 5$+ supporting patrons around 5-6th sept. Feel free to add suggestions about this picture, should we change or add anything? I'm thinking he is stuck ^^ 10 dollars subscribers will get the wips of the john/eliz content sent out to them next time rewards are sent out, so far since i started to redo it, its only 2 panels, so don't expect to much :D I'm hoping to have 2-3 pages done. I will keep on creating the new character sheets this upcomming week, they take a suprising amount of time, im horrible with writing and making things up that fit takes me a long time :D The John sheet is now posted at the site! I will also finish up the 2 remaning flavor of the month. Comment and stay awesome /shiin



a great pic, im love the guy face see hee's really enjoying


Aw man, Eiken, that's awesome :D The WIP looks great, Kirika's the best Eiken girl. I can't think of any changes to make (and the stuck idea is lovely), I think a cumshot version would be cool, but you don't need to go and make another version of the pic. I'll be looking forward to the comic WIPs :D The character sheets are cool, Emma seems like she'd be a fun person to spend time with ;) Stay awesome Shiin :D


Dude, I think I love you for doing an eiken pic. Great pic, I hope you do more. Keep up the great work.


the crossed eyes are fantastic, and the attention you give to toes/fingers goes a long way... kirika would look great from the front somewhere in the future, but this pic is great!


As said, if it's Eiken we have to talk about Kirika, it looks really good even in this stage, with that and the comic its going to be a long wait intil September 5th. Impressive work on the character Sheets, loved the Emma one, and John is pretty interesting, thanks for your hard work,


thanks man! I might make a cum-version : ) we shall see! Don't expect to much from the comic yet :D


thanks, they seemed to match well into my style of drawing ^^


glad you like it, feet are something i recently wanted to improve, granted I havent spent to much time of that perticular subject yet ^^


Thanks! And yeah, John is a character that works very well in velvet city, it's mainly stormarrows ideas, I just edited a few things when i redid the sheet : )


Your masterpiece IMO ^^ Hope you'll do more Eiken pics in the future (especially with Kirika ^^)